Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heeeee's Baaaaack!

Well well well, our favorite W.O.W freak out boy from yesterday seems to have a history of being...well, how to lightly put this.....um..CRAZY! Apparently - to the delight of his brother, and all of us here at I Really Didn't - he is easily pushed over the edge. At first I thought this guy may be semi-retarded. I mean how in the world can you freak out of there most meaningless things? Then I realized that even Corky Thatcher is smart enough not to smash his father's guitar when he isn't even supposed to be touching it. So I will stick with crazy. A couple points here to make:

  1. Does this kid ever wear a shirt?
  2. He goes from Zero to Crazy in about .3 seconds
  3. The brother is right, he does suck
  4. Bonus points to anyone who can tell me where this kid is from
  5. His brother is pure genius

Stay tuned for more freak outs through out the week.

PS: I have enjoyed these so much that I may do a freak out of the week contest. Clearly this kid is in the lead. But send in your videos each week! The winners of each week will get a free trip to the Loony Bin. Special thanks to our promoter for this contest - Elmer's Crazy Glue.


Kristin said...

I pray this kid is from Oklahoma. I would find him, hug him and thank him for providing me with the endless entertainment to pass time at work. This kid has a serious chemical imbalance. "YOU FREAKIN WHORE!"

JP Capuano said...

Check back in tomorrow for more wacky freak outs!