Thursday, July 30, 2009

Plax On Plax Off

NY Post - Yesterday, Plaxico Burress.

Today, Antonio Pierce.

Pierce walked into a Manhattan courtroom this morning and prepared to testify before a grand jury in his former teammate's gun case.

This morning, star linebacker Pierce is scheduled to testify before the same grand jury. He's also likely to throw himself on their mercy in hopes they'll not indict him on the same felony gun-possession charges that Plax may get -- for allegedly failing to turn Plax's gun over to cops.

Officials say Pierce was at Burress' side the night of Nov. 29 in the VIP vestibule of the Latin Quarter nightclub. When the gun went off, Pierce sprang into action to save his teammate's life -- driving the bleeding, trembling Burress to the hospital, says his lawyer, Michael Bachner.

Prosecutors have considered flipping a club security guard to testify that he put Burress' blood-splattered Glock in the glove compartment of Pierce's Cadillac Escalade before the car sped off to New York-Cornell hospital, according to law-enforcement sources.

After taking Burress to the hospital, Pierce allegedly drove to Totowa, NJ, where both players have sprawling homes -- with the Glock still in his glove compartment. He allegedly dropped the illegal gun off at Plax's house.

Pierce's lawyer has insisted the linebacker had no way of knowing the gun was not legally licensed.

This is just ridiculous. Listen, go after Plax all you want. He is the man with the gun in his waistband. He was man with an unregistered gun in NY. He is the one wearing sweatpants to a club. But this DA is reaching at straws to go after Pierce. What did AP do wrong? Is it illegal to take a friend to the hospital after he shoots himself? Is it illegal to bring what he thought was a registered gun back to Plax's home? Its not like he threw it in the east river. To me this holds no weight. Give up on AP and just try the case you have.

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