Friday, July 31, 2009

Here Is A Suggestion - Drink Your Face Off This Weekend

Its the weekend! Get your asses out of the office and drink up!

Hey, if these Lego's can get fucked up then you can too!

2004 World Champs* Add Another User to the List

ESPN - Arroyo, who pitched for the Red Sox from 2003 to 2005, said he took androstenedione, which was banned in 2004, as well as amphetamines, which were banned in 2006, according to the Herald report. He said he gave up taking andro, a steroid precursor, when a rumor spread through baseball that due to lax production standards, some of it was laced with steroids.
Mandatory testing for performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball began in 2004.

"Before 2004, none of us paid any attention to anything we took," he said, according to the Herald. "Now they don't want us to take anything unless it's approved. But back then, who knows what was in stuff? The FDA wasn't regulating stuff, not unless it was killing people or people were dying from it."

Arroyo said he started taking taking andro after 1998, after a season with the Pirates' Double-A affiliate. "Andro made me feel great, I felt like a monster. I felt like I could jump and hit my head on the basketball rim," he said, according to the report.

Add another one. Bronson Arroyo of the 2004 Curse Breaking Sox* admits he won't be surprised if he is on the list of 104. Cheers to Bronson for coming out now to try and diffuse the situation, but I am not buying the "before 2004, none of us paid any attention to anything we took." Really? You didn't know? Your body is your business, your lifeline, your office, your meal ticket, yet you don't know what your putting in it? This defense failed miserably when Bonds and Sheff tried it. It's not gonna work here either. Tainted Town, USA adds another resident.

Final Freak Out

Oh Steven, the final instalment of your freak outs is here. You have entertained us all here at I Really Didn't for an entire week. We thank you. Now for this latest freak out, Steven goes berserk over faulty microwave. But hey, I would want my turkey breast and gravy too, just not from a TV Dinner. For as big as this house is and as many sweet ass rides they have, this family is pretty trashy. And don't get me started on Steven's parents. If I was his father I would beat his ass. Kid takes a bat to a truck: beat his ass. Kid screams at my wife all day: beat his ass. Kid trashes a microwave: beat his ass. Kid destroys my guitar: I would fuck him up. As my dad would say, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out." But poor Steven isn't my kid, (thank fucking god) and so, his tantrums like a little fag boy crying over everything is hilarious to all of us here. This kid doesn't need a hug, he needs a straight jacket. Lets hope his brother continues to film his tirades though, cause its pure entertainment.

Bravo Steven. You may never get laid again, but you have made millions laugh. That's got to count for something right? Right? On second thought, naw, this kid is screwed for life.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Drinking Time!

Leave your offices bitches!


Manny 2004 WS MVP (PEDs), Rodny Harrison (Roids), Papi 2004 ALCS MVP (PEDs), Bellicheat (Spygate)

Ladies and Gentleman, your Boston Sports Heros.



"Remember last night when I gave you that shot of PED's in your ass? I love you for that."

NY Times - Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz, the sluggers who propelled the Boston Red Sox to end an 86-year World Series championship drought and to capture another title three years later, were among the roughly 100 Major League Baseball players to test positive for performance-enhancing drugs in 2003, according to lawyers with knowledge of the results.

David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez propelled the Boston Red Sox to two World Series titles. Both tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs in 2003.

Some of baseball’s most cherished storylines of the past decade have been tainted by performance-enhancing drugs, including the accomplishments of record-setting home run hitters and dominating pitchers. Now, players with Boston’s championship teams of 2004 and 2007 have also been linked to doping.

Baseball first tested for steroids in 2003, and the results from that season were supposed to remain anonymous. But for reasons that have never been made clear, the results were never destroyed and the first batch of positives has come to be known among fans and people in baseball as “the list.” The information was later seized by federal agents investigating the distribution of performance-enhancing drugs to professional athletes, and the test results remain the subject of litigation between the baseball players union and the government.

Five others have been tied to positive tests from that year:
Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Jason Grimsley and David Segui. Bonds, baseball’s career home runs leader, was not on the original list, although federal agents seized his 2003 sample and had it retested. Those results showed the presence of steroids, according to court documents.

The information about Ramirez and Ortiz emerged through interviews with multiple lawyers and others connected to the pending litigation. The lawyers spoke anonymously because the testing information is under seal by a court order. The lawyers did not identify which drugs were detected.

Unlike Ramirez, who recently served a 50-game suspension for violating baseball’s drug policy, Ortiz had not previously been linked to performance-enhancing substances.

Scott Boras, the agent for Ramirez, would not comment Thursday.

Asked about the 2003 drug test on Thursday in Boston, Ortiz shrugged. “I’m not talking about that anymore,” he said. “I have no comment.”

The union has argued that the government illegally seized the 2003 test results, and judges at various levels of the federal court system have weighed whether the government can keep them. The government hopes to question every player on the list to determine where the drugs came from. An appeals court is deliberating the matter, and the losing side is likely to appeal to the United States Supreme Court.

A spokesman for the United States attorney’s office for the Northern District of California, which seized the tests, declined to comment on Thursday. Michael Weiner, the general counsel for the players union, also declined to comment.

One by one, the names of elite players tied to performance-enhancing drugs have surfaced this year. In February, it was Rodriguez and Bonds. In May, it was Ramirez — for the first time. In June, it was Sosa.

Rodriguez had been viewed by some as a clean player who could eventually overtake the career home run record established by Bonds, who had been linked to possible drug use through the federal investigation. Rodriguez subsequently admitted that he used a performance-enhancing substance from 2001 to 2003.

The Times reported in June that Sosa was among those who tested positive in 2003, the first time he had been publicly tied to performance-enhancing drugs. Sosa became a national figure with the Chicago Cubs in 1998, when he and Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals engaged in a celebrated race to overtake Roger Maris’s single-season home run record of 61. McGwire’s image suffered tremendously when, at a Congressional hearing in 2005, he refused to answer questions about steroid use.

By 2003, Ramirez had long since established himself as one of baseball’s best hitters. Ortiz, however, was less known. In 2002, the Minnesota Twins effectively cut him after failing to trade him. He signed a bargain contract with the Red Sox and began the 2003 season as a backup.

Ortiz quickly blossomed, setting personal highs in home runs (31) and runs batted in (101). He surpassed those numbers in each of the next four seasons.

Ramirez, with his dreadlocks and quirky behavior, and Ortiz, with his gregarious personality and portly build, formed a dynamic tandem on and off the field. They seemed to feed off each other — not to mention demoralize opponents — by hitting back-to-back in the heart of the lineup.

In 2004, they helped the Red Sox overcome a 3-0 series deficit against the
Yankees in the American League Championship Series. The Red Sox then swept the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series to end decades of heartbreak in Boston. Ortiz had a game-winning home run and a game-winning hit against the Yankees and was named the most valuable player of that series. Ramirez was named the World Series M.V.P. after going 7 for 17 at the plate with a home run.

Three years after winning that first title, Ramirez and Ortiz returned Boston to another World Series, where they defeated the
Colorado Rockies.

The pairing was split last season when the Red Sox traded Ramirez to the Los Angeles Dodgers after team officials grew concerned that he was not playing hard in response to a contract dispute. In Los Angeles, Ramirez took off again, becoming popular among the fans and leading the Dodgers to the playoffs.

But Ramirez’s hero status in Los Angeles took a hit in May when he was suspended after baseball officials learned that he had been prescribed a fertility drug often used by bodybuilders after they stopped using steroids. When Ramirez was suspended, he issued a statement that appeared to maneuver around his 2003 test results.

“I do want to say one other thing,” Ramirez said. “I’ve taken and passed about 15 drug tests over the past five seasons.”

That five-year period extended back to 2004, which excludes the 2003 test.

Since returning from his suspension, Ramirez has been widely accepted by the home fans. In 48 games this season, he has compiled a .327 average and has hit 11 home runs.

Ortiz, meanwhile, has been in a sharp decline. He had an operation on his wrist last year and missed nearly a third of the season. He started this year in a slump and did not hit his first home run until a month and a half into the season. Since June 1, however, he has hit 12 more home runs.

In 2007, Ortiz said that he used to buy a protein shake in the Dominican Republic when he was younger and did not know if it contained a performance-enhancing drug.

“I don’t do that anymore because they don’t have the approval for that here, so I know that, so I’m off buying things at the GNC back in the Dominican Republic,” Ortiz told The Boston Herald. He added: “I don’t know if I drank something in my youth, not knowing it.”

In February, he said that players who tested positive for steroids should be suspended for an entire season — about 100 games more than the current policy requires for a first offense.


I am on cloud 1918.

But this news isn't shocking. It's liberating. Did anyone know who Ortiz was when he was flat out RELEASED from the twins? Is it a coincidence that he become All-World when he hooks up with Manny...and as soon as Manny and his PEDs leave Big Papi turns into Big Floppy?

Just a reminder, the 2004 Boston Red Sox World Series MVP: Cheater. The 2004 Boston Red Sox Clutch Hitter who single handily got them into the World Series: Cheater. The curse of the Bambino: Broken by Cheaters.

Its odd how both Papi and Manny were not listed in the Mitchel Report. Mitchel must have really done his due diligence. I mean he is on the Red Sox fucking board and can't find two major superstars right under his nose? Please.

I am just gonna sit back and let this story develop while I smile the the Cheshire Cat.

Hey Sox fans - I hope the fall from your high horse doesn't hurt too much.

Plax On Plax Off

NY Post - Yesterday, Plaxico Burress.

Today, Antonio Pierce.

Pierce walked into a Manhattan courtroom this morning and prepared to testify before a grand jury in his former teammate's gun case.

This morning, star linebacker Pierce is scheduled to testify before the same grand jury. He's also likely to throw himself on their mercy in hopes they'll not indict him on the same felony gun-possession charges that Plax may get -- for allegedly failing to turn Plax's gun over to cops.

Officials say Pierce was at Burress' side the night of Nov. 29 in the VIP vestibule of the Latin Quarter nightclub. When the gun went off, Pierce sprang into action to save his teammate's life -- driving the bleeding, trembling Burress to the hospital, says his lawyer, Michael Bachner.

Prosecutors have considered flipping a club security guard to testify that he put Burress' blood-splattered Glock in the glove compartment of Pierce's Cadillac Escalade before the car sped off to New York-Cornell hospital, according to law-enforcement sources.

After taking Burress to the hospital, Pierce allegedly drove to Totowa, NJ, where both players have sprawling homes -- with the Glock still in his glove compartment. He allegedly dropped the illegal gun off at Plax's house.

Pierce's lawyer has insisted the linebacker had no way of knowing the gun was not legally licensed.

This is just ridiculous. Listen, go after Plax all you want. He is the man with the gun in his waistband. He was man with an unregistered gun in NY. He is the one wearing sweatpants to a club. But this DA is reaching at straws to go after Pierce. What did AP do wrong? Is it illegal to take a friend to the hospital after he shoots himself? Is it illegal to bring what he thought was a registered gun back to Plax's home? Its not like he threw it in the east river. To me this holds no weight. Give up on AP and just try the case you have.

Batter Up!

Speaking of Steven.....introducing the latest freak out! We here at I Really Didn't want to wish you a Happy Birthday! Sweet truck.

P.S. What is this kids obsession with taking off his shirt when he freaks the fuck out?

P.P.S. - Just a reminder that the Weekly Freak-Out Contest starts this Monday, so keep sending in those vids!

Weed, Coke, Crack, Warcraft?

Yahoo - If Dr. Richard Graham has his way, massively popular online game World of Warcraft will soon get an unofficial new character class: the therapist.

According to The Daily Telegraph, the London psychiatrist is spearheading a movement that would let mental health workers join online game worlds as avatars in order to better treat players suffering from game addiction.

Dr. Graham believes the key is reaching at-risk players on their own turf.

Those affected don't exhibit the same outward warning signs as most teenage anti-social behaviour issues do because they're in their bedrooms most of the time, seemingly out of trouble," he told the Telegraph. "Because of this we can't get through to them in the traditional educational environment or intrude on their actual bedrooms -- we need to turn to the Internet itself to tackle these problems."

The issue of game addiction itself is still quite thorny. The American Medical Association still doesn't consider game addiction to be a legitimate disorder, while other reports -- including a Swedish study claiming that Warcraft is "more addictive than crack cocaine" -- say otherwise.

Graham hopes to launch the project "by the end of the year," and has called on Warcraft maker Blizzard to possibly give therapists free access to the game. He also notes that since most therapists probably aren't Warcraft experts, the project could potentially recruit gamers to act as "peer mentors" and help identify troubled players.

So this is what it has come to? Shrinks joining World of Warcraft as "avatars" (whatever the F that is) to reach out to addicted players? What ever happened to parents telling their kids to get off the computer, go outside and play some ball, read a book, or go have sex for God's sake? There is an obvious problem (see earlier posts regarding Steven, one of our favorite W.O.W freak out culprits) as kids seem to sit their asses in front of a computer playing a virtual game for hours at a time instead of going out and socializing with their peers, drinking underage, smoking pot and just getting into normal young adult and teenager trouble. All the American Medical Association has to do is YouTube "W.O.W Freak Out" to see that this is a growing problem. The Swedes know that an addiction to W.O.W can start at a young age, just like an addiction to Swedish Fish. And if a gamer isn't careful, both can be "more addictive than crack cocaine." Let's hope that World of Warcraft doesn't reach its tentacles into the minds of these therapists. Let's all hope they are prepared for what lurks in virtual reality. Let's hope that someone contacts poor Steven before he tries to shove another remote up his ass again.

And to all you W.O.W player who aren't addicted yet, be careful so you don't end up like this.

Special thanks to my favorite Sooner for the heads-up on this article.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Baby Worth 50 Bucks

BOSTON – A family picked up by a taxi at the airport left a sleeping 5-year-old child behind in the back of the minivan — and the cabbie almost took the blame for it.

Joseph Cohen, a taxi driver for 39 years, picked up the family at Logan International Airport on Sunday, drove them to their home in the city's Mattapan neighborhood, and helped them unload their luggage.
"They paid me, thank you very much, everything was nice, and I left," he said.
Minutes later, Cohen got a call from the cab pool at the airport. State police, who have jurisdiction over Logan, were looking for him.

He was told the family left a child in his cab.

"I said, 'What?' So I looked in the back and I see the baby sleeping. I said, 'What should I do?' So you know, I take the baby (back) to the family," he said. "The father came out. He was very happy."

He even gave him a $50 tip.

The story later goes on to say how the cabbie had his licence suspended for 3 days because he failed to do a "thorough check of the van." Well that's just shitty. How is it this cabbie's fault again? Was it his child? Did he try and steal the kid? No and no. First, does Joe the Cabbie look like he needs to deal with some random kid left in his cab? I don't think so. This guy should have received 3 paid days off instead of a suspension. And if anyone is going to be suspended it should be the terrible parents.

"OK honey we have everything?"

"Carry on bag: check. Suitcase: check. Suitcase just for my shoes: check. Pink Red Sox hat: check. Patriots bumper sticker we picked up in the airport: check. Baby's suitcase: check. Yup that's it."

There are a few things I love about this too. Joe the Cabbie seriously contemplated what to do with the child when really he must have been like 4 blocks away. He got a call "minutes" after dropping of these child neglecting parents. So really how far could he have gone? My guess is he made it to the first traffic light. The last thing that pisses me off is that the parents only value their child at 50 bucks! *clap...clap...clap* All I know is if I loose my kid and he/she is delivered back to me before I get busted for being a bad parent, I am dropping a hundo on this guy, hell I would even take him to the nearest strip club and buy him a few lap dances. Its the least I could do.

First Borns - Watch Out! - Steven's Coming For You

Steven freaks out again. This time its guessed it..World of Warcraft...again! Now originally I spoke of how people take this game too seriously, and I still believe some do, but its clear that Steven is a rare bird. Another aspect of these video that I am starting to love is the creativity of Steven's brother and his ideas to push Steven's crazy button. What will this kid think of next? (And kid, if your reading this, which I know you aren't, I have many suggestions for you) Finally, besides Steven's lovable antics, can someone please tell me is this kid own any shirts whatsoever? Its bordering on ridiculous. Come on Steven, put a damn shirt on.

PS: Remember, this coming Monday starts our Freak-Out of the Week contest so keep on sending in those submissions.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Leave Your Office, It's Drinking Time

And we are done for the day. Happy Hour here I come.

Until tomorrow. Peace bitches.

I'll Be Your Huckleberry

Yahoo - The Boston Red Sox have offered at least three players – no-hit pitcher Clay Buchholz(notes), Triple-A pitching prospect Michael Bowden(notes) and top outfield prospect Ryan Westmoreland – to the Toronto Blue Jays for ace Roy Halladay(notes), according to a source with knowledge of the negotiations. Because the Blue Jays, who are vigorously shopping Marco Scutaro(notes), are also looking for a shortstop, the Red Sox may be trying to draw a third team into negotiations to satisfy Toronto’s need.


It's funny that the Sox are looking to upgrade their once perceived "deep" starting rotation, when really they need a big bat for their line-up considering 95% of the team is hitting under .300, Big Papi is now Big Floppy, Jason Bay hasn't been on the decline since the 4th week of the season, and J.D. Drew still operates under the worst contract in baseball. I don't believe for a second that this is enough from an inter-division rival to convince JP Richardi to deal Doc, and I don't think Doc will be going anywhere within the AL East. Time will tell. Now if this deal does go through, sorry to say, those gay ass duck boats will still not be needed. No amount of pitching can make up for no offense and no defense.

Don't Let the Door Hit You On Your Way Out

First Tony and Jessica...then Reggie and Kim. With all the break-ups going on Cosmo (one of the loyal female subscribers informed me...i swear) devided to 5 types of women who beg to be broken-up with. Ladies listen up and take notes.

1. The Dryer Sheet.She clings to her guy so tightly that no matter where he goes or who he's with he can't shake her loose. Guys crave freedom, so a Dryer Sheet chick can suffocate a man's style. Even if he tells you that he loves spending time with you or wants you around, consider backing off when you don't have to.

2. The Nutcase.She heavily
flirts with dudes in front of her guy to rile him up and likes screaming at him in public for things like making her go home after she passed out at the bar. Men hate drama and don't want to feel like they're in an episode of "The Hills." No matter how fired up you are about something, keep your cool. Or else...!

3. The Full Discloser.She tells her beau about her menstrual cycle, the eating habits of her three cats, and
how many guys she's slept with since losing her virginity at 17. It's nice to feel like your boyfriend is a best friend, but a little mystery goes a long way. There are just some things you should never tell him.

4. The Drama Queen.She constantly tests her beau by threatening to break up with him. Then when he tries to dump her, she has a meltdown in the middle of the restaurant. This type sounds similar to The Nutcase, but is more emotional, rather than just psycho. If you feel like your relationship is a rollercoaster, consider analyzing why you go through these torturous, insecure moments. Chances are, you just need a little reassurance that your guy cares about you. Be upfront with your man and tell him you need consistent reassurance and affection. And then find out the
8 Love Truths every girl must know!

5. The Timekeeper.There's never enough "our time" for her; she pouts when her guy is with friends or works overtime. This type is similar to The Dryer Sheet, but can be more manipulative. How often do you give your guy guilt trips? If you're in the habit of keeping watch of his every move and getting upset when you're not numero uno on his priority list, you could be a Timekeeper. Busy yourself with other projects, honey.

No need to have comments from yours truely, as usual Cosmo sums it up nicely. Now where is my sandwich!

Steven The Squirrel Boy

Originally I was going to put one freak out a day from the newest Internet freak out boy Steven(don't worry, there is plenty more freak outs to fill the rest of the week from this kid). Steven's classic freak outs are running all week to prepare all of you for the kick off (starting Monday) of the "Freak Out of the Week" contest here at I Really Didn't Say. However, I couldn't help but post a follow up on Steve's W.O.W freak out from yesterday. Introducing SQUIRREL BOY!!! Obviously this kid has major issues, and I am sure his shrink will hear all about it in a few years. But his brother really gets into some hard hitting questions, none more penetrating then "so why did you try to put a remote up your ass?" Apparently Stephen's brother, who wasn't in the room, "made him look like he did that." I am glad that they are getting along. Stephen's brother even had a peace offering which of course was Steven's Teddy bear. Awwww. Well lets all hope Steven got down from that tree before another 4 hours passed by (FYI, this is what you do when your upset? Sit in a friggin' tree for 4 hours?). Until tomorrow's freak out moment...enjoy!

Heeeee's Baaaaack!

Well well well, our favorite W.O.W freak out boy from yesterday seems to have a history of being...well, how to lightly put! Apparently - to the delight of his brother, and all of us here at I Really Didn't - he is easily pushed over the edge. At first I thought this guy may be semi-retarded. I mean how in the world can you freak out of there most meaningless things? Then I realized that even Corky Thatcher is smart enough not to smash his father's guitar when he isn't even supposed to be touching it. So I will stick with crazy. A couple points here to make:

  1. Does this kid ever wear a shirt?
  2. He goes from Zero to Crazy in about .3 seconds
  3. The brother is right, he does suck
  4. Bonus points to anyone who can tell me where this kid is from
  5. His brother is pure genius

Stay tuned for more freak outs through out the week.

PS: I have enjoyed these so much that I may do a freak out of the week contest. Clearly this kid is in the lead. But send in your videos each week! The winners of each week will get a free trip to the Loony Bin. Special thanks to our promoter for this contest - Elmer's Crazy Glue.

There's No Noodles In Baseball - Red Sox pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka recently criticized the Red Sox in the Japanese media, blaming his struggles this season on the team’s throwing program and training regimen, and also expressed his frustration to the team in a face-to-face meeting at Fenway Park last week.

'Japanese article, which appeared in the Japanese website Allatanys and translated to English and first reported in the Boston media by, that he is not confident he will have the same success he enjoyed in Japan in the major leagues if the Red Sox do not allow him to train the way he used to. Matsuzaka’s former regimen included extended throwing sessions, which he says the Red Sox no longer allow him to do.

“If I’m forced to continue to train in this environment, I may no longer be able to pitch like I did in Japan,” Matsuzaka is quoted as saying in the article, according to’s translation. “The only reason why I managed to win games during the first and second years [in the United States] was because I used the savings of the shoulder I built up in Japan. Since I came to the Major Leagues, I couldn't train in my own way, so now I've lost all those savings.”

According to Nikkan Sports reporter Takaaki Yamauchi, who spoke to the Globe this morning from Fort Myers, Fla. (where the pitcher is rehabbing), Matsuzaka explained his dissatisfaction to the Red Sox during a 90-minute meeting with manager Terry Francona, general manager Theo Epstein, and pitching coach John Farrell at Fenway Park on July 24.

Specifically, Matsuzaka has recently been unhappy that the Red Sox are not allowing him to throw as often as he would like. When Matsuzaka first reported to Florida earlier this month to rehabilitate his shoulder after being put on the disabled list for the second time this season, he was throwing (not pitching off of a mound) for two days, then resting his arm on the third day, according to Yamauchi. Now, Matsuzaka is limited to throwing for one day (again, not from a mound) and resting the next day. So instead of throwing two of every three days, he is now throwing one of every two.

Matsuzaka has been additionally frustrated by the fact that the Red Sox do not have a timetable for his return to the rotation, according to Yamauchi.

Matsuzaka has made eight starts in 2009 with a 1-5 record and 8.23 ERA, a horrid stat line the Red Sox blamed primarily on the effects of him pitching for the Japanese team in the World Baseball Classic before the season.

"I know that there are Japanese starters who came to the United States before me only have two or three successful years,” Matsuzka said, according to the Globe’s translation. “I now believe that it is because of a difference in training and conditioning methods.

“If I don't act, people in the Major League Baseball will never change their attitude toward it. I need them to understand this. It is more than just about myself but future Japanese pitchers who come over to the United States." '

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Zip it Dice K. Stop crying like a little bitch try throwing strokes for once. You gonna blame the training for your 8.23 ERA? Maybe your arm hurts cause you throw 120 pitches per 5 innings. Your unhappy the Sox won't let you throw more with an injured shoulder? As much as I hate the Red Sux, I am pretty sure they have dealt with injured players before. Just be happy your in the majors and that you will be a serviceable bullpen arm within the next 2 years. Maybe Japanese pitchers flame out after two years because they are just not that good and the rest of baseball figures them out. And was it really your training that forces you to walk batter after batter? Just put a lid on it and be happy your playing for a Major League franchise.
PS: Nice 100 million you spent there Theo.

Kim Gets Rid of Her Bush

Yahoo - Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush have split, her rep confirms to "Nobody cheated," a source close to the couple says. "This is just a case of conflicting schedules and their lives going in different directions. It was a totally mutual decision," continues the source. The reality star, 28, began dating Bush, 24, the running back for the New Orleans Saints, in April 2007. In June of this year, she denied rumors of an engagement, as falsely reported by tabloid Star. "I am not engaged!" she wrote on her Web site. "The rumors about me picking out my ring already are also not true! I don't know where all this comes from!!"

Shocker. Really, who cares? This is probably the best for Bush so he can finally concentrate on being a RB then one of the most disappointing #2 picks in the history of the NFL. Say what you will, but this guy just hasn't done anything, except for the occasional highlight play, of any substance in the NFL. The most puzzling part is was the "conflicting schedules" as a reason for the split. Does Kim even work? And if she does, what the hell does she do? And both these two have more money than God, so remind me how they can't fly to see each other or don't have the time? In conclusion, I guarantee one was cheating on the other. And from my perspective, it was Reggie cheating on Kim behind her back with her giant ass (see above).

Monday, July 27, 2009

Its Game-Cock Time!

SHELTON, Conn. -- Police in Connecticut say their raid of an alleged bird fighting ring in Shelton over the weekend was the result of a lengthy investigation that led a judge to sign off on a search warrant.

Town police say they arrested 19 people Sunday just as spectators had placed bets and were getting ready to watch canaries and saffron finches fight at a home on Ripton Road. Authorities say they seized 150 birds and $8,000 in alleged betting money.

Police say the birds appeared unscathed, probably because the fighting had not started when officers arrived.

The 19 people were charged with cruelty to animals and gambling. They include Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey residents.

Police also charged the homeowner, 42-year-old Jurames Goulart, with interfering with officers.

What happened to good old cock fighting? Now they use canaries and saffron finches? Aren't canaries like the most non violent birds besides pigeons? And isn't saffron a spice? Whats wrong with illegal underground bird fighting these days?
PS: There is no truth to the rumor that Michael Vick or Cosmo Kramer were in attendance.

W.O.W is Right!

I am speechless. Now I have never played World of Warcraft (and have no desire to) but I do know people who do and they go crazy about it. This, however, is a bit much. I mean dude, seriously? Its just a god damn game. So you really have to totally freak the fuck out like that? Maybe this kid should consider being a magician since he magically took off his clothes in about 1.5 seconds. Also, did he try to shove a remote up his ass at the 1:11 mark? Uh yeah, I don't plan on playing this game...ever.

PS: Thanks to the West Coast for notifying me of this video.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Little Wonder

Yahoo - Nate Robinson is close to signing a one-year, $5 million contract with the New York Knicks, a source with knowledge of the talks said Saturday. The deal is expected to be finalized early this week

KryptoNate is back in the fold for one more year it seems. So while the Knicks will suck again, at least we have Nate and his sometimes out of control high flying acrobatic moves to marvel at for one more year. Plus he is usually the only representative in the All-Star game since he is a Dunk Champion. I don't mind this, one year, low risk signing, but would rather start to get some better players in here. Let's face it, the Knicks are just an un-lucky franchise right now. No luck in the Lottery or on the court. Here is to 2010.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lego My Ego

Yahoo - The first Waffle House franchise opened in the Atlanta suburb of Avondale Estates, Ga., in 1955. Phil Mickelson won three BellSouth Classic titles in the Atlanta suburb of Duluth this decade. Other than that, there's not a lot Lefty has in common with the Southeast-based restaurant chain more known for late-night visits by college students looking for an early cure to the inevitable hangover.

But now comes a report out of The Tennesseean that Mickelson (along with Nashville-area businessman Terry Prefanis and Mickelson's agent, Steve Loy) has put in a bid to purchase 105 Waffle House locations. The trio has offered to bail franchisee SouthEast Waffles out of bankruptcy for $20.2 million in cash and payments over time.

The bid has lots of red tape to go through before the sale is complete. But if approved, Mickelson could be part-owner in one of the most famous (some might say infamous) eateries in the country. The 24-hour diner has over 1,500 locations in 25 states and is part of Americana. "The Awful Waffle" has also become a pop culture reference made in songs, comedy routines and even made an appearance in the 1996 golf classic "Tin Cup" (as did Mr. Mickelson.)

The article indicates that while none of the three men have run a restaurant, they're all fans of the venerable establishment and would hire an operator with "significant" experience. The group intends on renovating some of the older stores and eventually expanding. They also believe it's simply a good business opportunity.

Obviously, 2009 has been an eventful year for Mickelson. Becoming part-owner in the home of "scattered, smothered and covered" hashbrowns would be just another chapter ... but a delicious one.

Come the F on Phil! This is really what you want to invest in....really?? It isn't bad enough that large man-boobs or a smaller females chest are referred to as "Mickelsons" or that your nickname is "Dough Boy," you have to go out and add to the pancakes? What's next, are you going to invest in Spam? Maybe open a McDonald's in your home? Oh, how about replacing your golf balls with fried dough? I think it is safe to assume that fellow golfers such as John Daly and Ian Woosnam will be there to help support the Hefty Lefty's new business. On a positive note, the Waffle House franchise will now have upgraded experience in dealing with choking patrons.

Time Out

There are few shows that bring together people of different backgrounds, different ethnicity, different political views, and different methods of telling time? But Big Brother is always pushing the envelope. This has to be scripted right? Please, tell me the show is scripted. Anyone? Come on, no one can be this dumb. I mean sure, if this was a 14 year, a 10 year...scratch that...a 6 year old may have the same amount of difficulty deciphering time as Jordan does in this clip. My favorite is that Jordan admits that she "can't tell time on a clock." Yet, her major problem is math and people telling her the time in unusual ways, such as "a quarter to." At some point the "I'm a hot blondie" act has to be accompanied by some sort of intellect. The fact that a guy in a black wife beater and crooked UCLA hat is the pseudo teacher is even scarier. Although I do give him credit being patient. I know if I was the one to explain this new way of telling time to her I wouldn't have gotten past her answer of what 60 divided by 4. Most likely I would have explained how she should give up and just get a Casio wristwatch.

What is even more amazing about Jordan is that, later in the show, she led a group debate on Barak Obama's heath care plan and the governments emphasis on dramatically and quickly increasing the number of people who have health insurance by spending significant money upfront. However, realising the "dumb blond" stereotype she vowed to live up to, Jordan asked producers to leave that scene on the cutting room floor.

*Update* Just got a call from an editor at Random House confirming that Jordan has just signed a deal to pen her memoirs, which is tentatively titled Jordan Lloyd: Memoirs I can't Remember.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tonnnyy Annngggrrrryyyyy!

ESPN - A New York Mets executive recently challenged one of club's minor league teams to a fight during a postgame clubhouse tirade, the New York Daily News reported, citing multiple sources with ties to the team.

Tony Bernazard, the team's vice president for player development, pulled off his shirt and challenged the Double-A Binghamton Mets in the tirade, about 10 days before the All-Star break. He in particular targeted middle infield prospect Jose Coronado, according to the report.

Binghamton had gone 1-6 during an early July homestand that coincided with the outburst, losing three of those games by at least seven runs. The team was 37-58 and in last place in the Eastern League Northern Division entering Wednesday's scheduled games.

Allegations of underage drinking on the team were apparently another motivation for Bernazard's tirade, an organization source said, according to the report. "It's ridiculous that anyone in a professional baseball environment thinks it's acceptable," a friend of several players said, according to the report.

Mets GM Omar Minaya said Bernazard spoke to the minor-league team in a "stern voice," but said he had no knowledge of the particulars. "I know he did have a team meeting with them," Minaya said, according to the Daily News. "It was not a 'you-guys-have-been-great meeting.' I know he spoke to them in a stern voice. But as far as what he was wearing, what kind of shoes he was wearing, I don't know anything about that."

This Mets franchise is so fucked-up on all levels right now. The incompetence in the front office is laughable. I feel bad for all of these players, except for Reyes, I hate that guy. And what is this douche Tony so mad about? The team goes 1-6 and this guy freaks out? Does he not see the overall record? And isn't the minors more about developing talent then winning? Also, who does Minaya think he is, Tom Gunn? Who cares about his shoes and what he was wearing? Apparently he wasn't wearing a shirt at all! I only wish that one of these guys kicked his old ass.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

That's Using Your Head

See this is why I hate cops. The Chief should be ashamed of himself.

  • since when is it illegal to argue with your mom
  • after running away and going to a local park, what reason does this cop have to track her down. Did she steal the phone? No. Did she assault anyone? No. Maybe she just wanted to go on the monkey bars. No taser needed for that.
  • After the officer approached the girl in the park she took off running - hey I would to. I mean what kind of creepster walks slowly up to a young girl in a park in a police uniform and expects the girl to stay put? Especially in New Mexico!
  • This cop needed to taser her her? Really? He couldn't catch a 14 year old girl?! If that's the case, he needs to retire.

Bottom line - cops are fucked up. They abuse their power and gadgets. This girl should be granted one free taser shot to his nads. Then he should be fired. This just firms up my desire to never go to New Mexico.

The Big Ben-Dover

NBC - In a complaint that reads like the rape allegations made several years ago against NBA star Kobe Bryant, Harrah's employee Andrea McNulty alleges sexual assault against Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger in a lawsuit filed last week in Washoe County, Nevada.
But lawyer David Cornwell strongly denied the allegations Monday night, in a statement released to PFT. "Ben has never sexually assaulted anyone; especially Andrea McNulty," Cornwell said.
In the civil suit, which Cornwell confirms was served on Roethlisberger over the weekend and a copy of which our own Gregg Rosenthal has obtained, McNulty alleges that Roethlisberger asked her to come to his hotel room to fix the television, and that he thereafter forced her to have sex with him.
Regardless of how this one turns out, it has the potential to serve as a significant distraction for Roethlisberger as the 2009 season approaches, especially if the lawsuit triggers a criminal probe.

Does the picture above look like a guy who would force a girl to have sex with him? Uh...yes. Should the female in question have been suspicious that Big Ben asked her to fix a T.V.? Don't they have maintenance men to do that type of work. Did she really expect Ben to let her fix the TV and go? Its the classic reverse porn storyline move. Whatever happens, Ben has to be suspended by the league under the new player guidelines set forth by Rodger Goodell right? I sure hope so, cause I hate the fucking Steelers.

Hugh Got to Be Kidding Me.

On one hand I admire the hell out of Hugh Hefner. I mean seriously, what other 165 year old man can get not only one smokin' hot blond girlfriend, but TWO? And the kicker...they are TWIN SISTERS!!!! (and even have the same tramp stamp to match - nice work Karissa and Kristina Shannon) Is there any man in the history of mankind who has actually lived out every fantasy every thought of by any regular guy in the world? I say no.

On the other hand, I hate this guys guts. Not only does he pull some of the top talent available, but he uses them, drops the, and ruins every other guys life who dates them after. I just don't think you can love someone who you know has slept with a virtual corpse.

I need me some twins.

Oh Baby!

NEW YORK – A New York City minor league baseball team has pulled off an unusual pre-game warm up.

The Brooklyn Cyclones offered a Lamaze class in center field before Sunday night's game. It was one of the activities as part of the "Bellies and Baseball: A Salute to Pregnancy" event.
Other activities at the theme night for the affiliate of the New York Mets included expectant moms running — or walking — the bases without shoes before the game, women in their third trimesters throwing out ceremonial first pitches and pregnant women singing on the field during the seventh-inning stretch.

There was a craving station consisting of pickles, ice cream and pizza.

The team says any expectant mom who agrees to name her child Brooklyn or Cy gets free season tickets for life.
Wow. The Mets entire organization is hard up for some feel good news huh? And why are pregnant women running the! I hope Randal Simon doesn't play for the Cyclones. Is there a "Husbands of Preggos" Night where the dads-to-be have to run around the stadium searching for random foods that the pregnant wives crave, only to get the most specific item back to them before the women change their mind an realize that Nachos make them sick?
And really, is there anyone who is such a baseball fan that they would name their child Brooklyn or Cy (shouldn't it have to be Cyclone considering Cy was one of the best pitchers ever and he didn't even play for the Mets or any affiliated team?) just to get season tickets to a MINOR LEAGUE TEAM???
Maybe next week the Mets can have a "Dr. in the House" day and find someone to actually deal with all the injuries they have. Or a "I was a Starting Pitcher in Little League" Day to shore up their rotation.
I just hope to god that non of the ladies want their child to be born into their arms of a major league player....especially Luis Castillo.

At Least She Gets To Keep Her Last Name

FACEBOOK:A couple with the same name who found each other through social networking website Facebook are to tie the knot.
Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20, was bored one evening last year when she put her name into the site and came across Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, 24. She sent the only other Kelly Hildebrandt, of Lubbock, Texas, a message and they became friends. Ms Hildebrandt, a student from Miami, Florida, said she believed the chain of events was "all God's timing". Her fiance described her first message to him, in April last year, as reading: "Hi. We had the same name. Thought it was cool," reports the Associated Press news agency. He said: "I thought she was pretty cute." Mr Hildebrandt admitted, however, that he had worried they might be related. Nevertheless, the two were soon in daily contact by phone and e-mail and he "fell head over heels" after visiting her in Florida. In December, she found a diamond engagement ring he had hidden in a treasure box on a beach. "I thought it was fun. I had no idea it would lead to this," Mr Hildebrandt said. The couple plan to tie the knot in October and have confirmed that they do not plan to pass their first names on to any future offspring.

More and more these days, people are meeting over the internet. Falling in love. Getting married. Seems crazy right? I am curious to see the divorce rate on these kinds of couples, but this isn't as crazy as you may think. On-line meetings is now as common as picking up someone in the frozen food section of the local supermarket. However, one thing that on-line meetings seem to do is let each individual be themselves, because at first, who really cares if they don't end up liking you? I mean you wont have to see them ever if you don't want to. Just watch out for the crazy stalkers out there. On the other hand, on-line meetings pose a problem. What if you do fall in love, but, that love is halfway across the country? Not being near someone can drive you crazy, I would assume. Relationships never start on Cloud 9 and sit there forever. Work is needed to be done by both individuals to make a relationship successful. That is hard to accomplish 3,000 miles away. How many issues do you think can be worked out by talking face to face followed by a simple hug. I tend to thank that most issues can be solved that way, unless they fester deep down to a point where the issue is irreconcilable.
As for the Kelly Hildebrandt's in the picture up there. I say good for them. He lucked out that she is an attractive girl and that Florida is relatively close to Texas (and that his parents gave him a girls name). Let's just hope they aren't related, which is a good chance they aren't since none of them are from Arkansas or West Virginia.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bareback Mayor

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A man who makes his living posing for pictures with tourists as "The Naked Cowboy" in New York's Times Square plans to run for mayor on a platform of "bringing transparency to a whole new level."
A fixture in Times Square for a decade, Robert Burck has made a profitable business from strumming a guitar dressed only in cowboy boots, hat and tight-fitting white briefs, asking tourists to pay a fee to take a picture with him.
He makes appearances around the United States and in the media, and markets products ranging from underwear to comics.
A statement announcing a news conference on Wednesday to launch his candidacy said the Naked Cowboy's platform would include a stimulus plan for
small business.
"No one knows how to do more with less than yours truly, and that's the kind of thinking I plan on sharing with my fellow New Yorkers when you elect me," Burck said in the statement, promising new ideas on tax breaks, tourism, gay marriage, public transport and homeland security.
His main opponent in November's election will be incumbent Michael Bloomberg, who appears to be sailing toward re-election for a third term in the absence of a strong competitor.

I just have no clue where to begin with this news. Who will the Naked Cowboy appoint as his Deputy Mayor....the Statue of Liberty? Maybe he can pardon Superman and Batman.

Inevitably there is always one kook who always thinks he can run for office because he "knows what the people want." He "knows how to do more with less." Well of course he does. Just look what he has done with less talent, looks, and education. For us NYers, the Naked Cowboy is basically just a nuisance. He, and all the other Time Square weirdos, clog the streets of NY with tourists who seem to have some birth defect that make their heads point straight up. It's just a building with lights on it people, and you can see it from either side of the sidewalk so please, don't just stop right in the middle.

Obviously this guy is just looking to jump start his career....again. He knows there is no real shot of winning. He knows its just a PR move. And Mayor Bloomberg knows that if this is his stiffest competition, its clear sailing.

Although if the Naked Cowboy makes a law for all people to work in their skivvy's, well, I may consider giving him my vote.

PS: Thank you to Sooner Girl for sending me the news.

I Could Go For A Sprite Right now

Thirsty ?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Freakish Athlete

Now I will be the first to admit that MMA and Ultimate Fighting intrigues me, I enjoy watching it, but I am not so enveloped in it that I know all the fighters. It's like today's boxing with me. Although boxing is falling lower with the non-superstar fighters around. There is no charisma anymore. And too much corruption. MMA is on the tick up. Gaining steam and momentum to becoming a premiere sport sooner rather than later. The best example was shown in Brock Lesners' most recent fight, and the fiasco afterwords. But like him or not. Brock's antics had even the most casual fan talking the next day. Every sport has their controversial players. The Dennis Rodman's, Ron Artest's, Sean Avery's, Albert Belle's, Barry Bonds', Rodney Harrison's, Chad Johnson's (did I have every sport covered so I don't get hate emails for picking on one league from my loyal followers of none?). Like they say in the P.R. business: even bad publicity is good publicity.

What the fight also did was bring to light the talented athletes in these competitions. Like BL. Penn showing off his sick jump from a pool. I don't know many athletes who can do that, and its not because I don't know many athletes either.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Impressive..Most Impressive

OK, I will give the girl credit. Lot of pressure there and she came through. But...I would have liked to have seen the following: more cheering from the crowd, a harder swing, and next time she needs to do it drunk. All in all a solid B/B+.

And The Winner Is......

All of us. The competition is heating up. Sit back and Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

17 Will Get You 20...How To ID Them Easy

Classic! There are a few reasons I love this t-shirt and a few why I don't. Let's start with the good. It's creative fo' sho. Not only does this shirt say "yeah, I am ready to party! But only if your 18" but it also takes the time out of talking to some little hottie only to realize that you would be grabbing your ankles in the state pen if you pursued her and finished the job off. In addition, it's just funny, boy and girls alike can enjoy it. Which leads to not being embarrassed and having to announce you are a cradle robber. "Who me? Nawww..I just thought it was funny." Just a great converasation piece and ice breaker.

Now to the bad news. There are few who can pull this look off, and this guy isn't one of them. It's simple really: Don't tuck your t-shirt into you jeans, especially if they are tight as hell. I swear this guys pants cut of circulation to his brain. I was there. I took this picture. The girl to the left in the Pettite t-shirt was at the game with this skinny jeans wearing douche. So what does a "Are You 18" t-shirt say about a guy who wears it while hanging with his girl? Asshole.

Keep the shirt at home unless your out with your boys. Better yet, just send me the shirt and let me work my magic.