Its the weekend! Get your asses out of the office and drink up!
Hey, if these Lego's can get fucked up then you can too!
When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.
Its the weekend! Get your asses out of the office and drink up!
Hey, if these Lego's can get fucked up then you can too!
Oh Steven, the final instalment of your freak outs is here. You have entertained us all here at I Really Didn't for an entire week. We thank you. Now for this latest freak out, Steven goes berserk over faulty microwave. But hey, I would want my turkey breast and gravy too, just not from a TV Dinner. For as big as this house is and as many sweet ass rides they have, this family is pretty trashy. And don't get me started on Steven's parents. If I was his father I would beat his ass. Kid takes a bat to a truck: beat his ass. Kid screams at my wife all day: beat his ass. Kid trashes a microwave: beat his ass. Kid destroys my guitar: I would fuck him up. As my dad would say, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out." But poor Steven isn't my kid, (thank fucking god) and so, his tantrums like a little fag boy crying over everything is hilarious to all of us here. This kid doesn't need a hug, he needs a straight jacket. Lets hope his brother continues to film his tirades though, cause its pure entertainment.
Bravo Steven. You may never get laid again, but you have made millions laugh. That's got to count for something right? Right? On second thought, naw, this kid is screwed for life.
Speaking of Steven.....introducing the latest freak out! We here at I Really Didn't want to wish you a Happy Birthday! Sweet truck.
P.S. What is this kids obsession with taking off his shirt when he freaks the fuck out?
P.P.S. - Just a reminder that the Weekly Freak-Out Contest starts this Monday, so keep sending in those vids!
Yahoo - If Dr. Richard Graham has his way, massively popular online game World of Warcraft will soon get an unofficial new character class: the therapist.
According to The Daily Telegraph, the London psychiatrist is spearheading a movement that would let mental health workers join online game worlds as avatars in order to better treat players suffering from game addiction.
Dr. Graham believes the key is reaching at-risk players on their own turf.
Those affected don't exhibit the same outward warning signs as most teenage anti-social behaviour issues do because they're in their bedrooms most of the time, seemingly out of trouble," he told the Telegraph. "Because of this we can't get through to them in the traditional educational environment or intrude on their actual bedrooms -- we need to turn to the Internet itself to tackle these problems."
The issue of game addiction itself is still quite thorny. The American Medical Association still doesn't consider game addiction to be a legitimate disorder, while other reports -- including a Swedish study claiming that Warcraft is "more addictive than crack cocaine" -- say otherwise.
Graham hopes to launch the project "by the end of the year," and has called on Warcraft maker Blizzard to possibly give therapists free access to the game. He also notes that since most therapists probably aren't Warcraft experts, the project could potentially recruit gamers to act as "peer mentors" and help identify troubled players.
So this is what it has come to? Shrinks joining World of Warcraft as "avatars" (whatever the F that is) to reach out to addicted players? What ever happened to parents telling their kids to get off the computer, go outside and play some ball, read a book, or go have sex for God's sake? There is an obvious problem (see earlier posts regarding Steven, one of our favorite W.O.W freak out culprits) as kids seem to sit their asses in front of a computer playing a virtual game for hours at a time instead of going out and socializing with their peers, drinking underage, smoking pot and just getting into normal young adult and teenager trouble. All the American Medical Association has to do is YouTube "W.O.W Freak Out" to see that this is a growing problem. The Swedes know that an addiction to W.O.W can start at a young age, just like an addiction to Swedish Fish. And if a gamer isn't careful, both can be "more addictive than crack cocaine." Let's hope that World of Warcraft doesn't reach its tentacles into the minds of these therapists. Let's all hope they are prepared for what lurks in virtual reality. Let's hope that someone contacts poor Steven before he tries to shove another remote up his ass again.
And to all you W.O.W player who aren't addicted yet, be careful so you don't end up like this.
Steven freaks out again. This time its guessed it..World of Warcraft...again! Now originally I spoke of how people take this game too seriously, and I still believe some do, but its clear that Steven is a rare bird. Another aspect of these video that I am starting to love is the creativity of Steven's brother and his ideas to push Steven's crazy button. What will this kid think of next? (And kid, if your reading this, which I know you aren't, I have many suggestions for you) Finally, besides Steven's lovable antics, can someone please tell me is this kid own any shirts whatsoever? Its bordering on ridiculous. Come on Steven, put a damn shirt on.
PS: Remember, this coming Monday starts our Freak-Out of the Week contest so keep on sending in those submissions.
And we are done for the day. Happy Hour here I come.
Until tomorrow. Peace bitches.
Well well well, our favorite W.O.W freak out boy from yesterday seems to have a history of being...well, how to lightly put! Apparently - to the delight of his brother, and all of us here at I Really Didn't - he is easily pushed over the edge. At first I thought this guy may be semi-retarded. I mean how in the world can you freak out of there most meaningless things? Then I realized that even Corky Thatcher is smart enough not to smash his father's guitar when he isn't even supposed to be touching it. So I will stick with crazy. A couple points here to make:
Stay tuned for more freak outs through out the week.
PS: I have enjoyed these so much that I may do a freak out of the week contest. Clearly this kid is in the lead. But send in your videos each week! The winners of each week will get a free trip to the Loony Bin. Special thanks to our promoter for this contest - Elmer's Crazy Glue.
Yahoo - Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush have split, her rep confirms to "Nobody cheated," a source close to the couple says. "This is just a case of conflicting schedules and their lives going in different directions. It was a totally mutual decision," continues the source. The reality star, 28, began dating Bush, 24, the running back for the New Orleans Saints, in April 2007. In June of this year, she denied rumors of an engagement, as falsely reported by tabloid Star. "I am not engaged!" she wrote on her Web site. "The rumors about me picking out my ring already are also not true! I don't know where all this comes from!!"
Shocker. Really, who cares? This is probably the best for Bush so he can finally concentrate on being a RB then one of the most disappointing #2 picks in the history of the NFL. Say what you will, but this guy just hasn't done anything, except for the occasional highlight play, of any substance in the NFL. The most puzzling part is was the "conflicting schedules" as a reason for the split. Does Kim even work? And if she does, what the hell does she do? And both these two have more money than God, so remind me how they can't fly to see each other or don't have the time? In conclusion, I guarantee one was cheating on the other. And from my perspective, it was Reggie cheating on Kim behind her back with her giant ass (see above).
KryptoNate is back in the fold for one more year it seems. So while the Knicks will suck again, at least we have Nate and his sometimes out of control high flying acrobatic moves to marvel at for one more year. Plus he is usually the only representative in the All-Star game since he is a Dunk Champion. I don't mind this, one year, low risk signing, but would rather start to get some better players in here. Let's face it, the Knicks are just an un-lucky franchise right now. No luck in the Lottery or on the court. Here is to 2010.
There are few shows that bring together people of different backgrounds, different ethnicity, different political views, and different methods of telling time? But Big Brother is always pushing the envelope. This has to be scripted right? Please, tell me the show is scripted. Anyone? Come on, no one can be this dumb. I mean sure, if this was a 14 year, a 10 year...scratch that...a 6 year old may have the same amount of difficulty deciphering time as Jordan does in this clip. My favorite is that Jordan admits that she "can't tell time on a clock." Yet, her major problem is math and people telling her the time in unusual ways, such as "a quarter to." At some point the "I'm a hot blondie" act has to be accompanied by some sort of intellect. The fact that a guy in a black wife beater and crooked UCLA hat is the pseudo teacher is even scarier. Although I do give him credit being patient. I know if I was the one to explain this new way of telling time to her I wouldn't have gotten past her answer of what 60 divided by 4. Most likely I would have explained how she should give up and just get a Casio wristwatch.
What is even more amazing about Jordan is that, later in the show, she led a group debate on Barak Obama's heath care plan and the governments emphasis on dramatically and quickly increasing the number of people who have health insurance by spending significant money upfront. However, realising the "dumb blond" stereotype she vowed to live up to, Jordan asked producers to leave that scene on the cutting room floor.
*Update* Just got a call from an editor at Random House confirming that Jordan has just signed a deal to pen her memoirs, which is tentatively titled Jordan Lloyd: Memoirs I can't Remember.
See this is why I hate cops. The Chief should be ashamed of himself.
Bottom line - cops are fucked up. They abuse their power and gadgets. This girl should be granted one free taser shot to his nads. Then he should be fired. This just firms up my desire to never go to New Mexico.
Now I will be the first to admit that MMA and Ultimate Fighting intrigues me, I enjoy watching it, but I am not so enveloped in it that I know all the fighters. It's like today's boxing with me. Although boxing is falling lower with the non-superstar fighters around. There is no charisma anymore. And too much corruption. MMA is on the tick up. Gaining steam and momentum to becoming a premiere sport sooner rather than later. The best example was shown in Brock Lesners' most recent fight, and the fiasco afterwords. But like him or not. Brock's antics had even the most casual fan talking the next day. Every sport has their controversial players. The Dennis Rodman's, Ron Artest's, Sean Avery's, Albert Belle's, Barry Bonds', Rodney Harrison's, Chad Johnson's (did I have every sport covered so I don't get hate emails for picking on one league from my loyal followers of none?). Like they say in the P.R. business: even bad publicity is good publicity.
What the fight also did was bring to light the talented athletes in these competitions. Like BL. Penn showing off his sick jump from a pool. I don't know many athletes who can do that, and its not because I don't know many athletes either.