Monday, August 17, 2009

This Guy Gets Excited Over Balls Flying At Him

Um...What?! Is this dude serious? What a complete tool. Let's start off the bat and say that this guy should be banned from attending games. First off, dude, what are you 14? Throw the glove away. You shouldn't be allowed to bring a glove to the game if you are over 14. Man up and catch it with your bare hands. Don't be such a pussy. Take some lessons from this guy. Also, this kid gets so pissed when another guy blocks him out of catching a batting practice ball. Really guy? You want one that bad? Moving on. Coincidental humor or total gayness #1: "I am writing a book about getting balls." I don't think I have to elaborate on that. Next. He can ask for balls in 27 different languages. So, 27 different ethnicity's can laugh at him. Also, does anyone know of one damn ballplayer who speak Russian? Coincidental humor or total gayness #2: "I go crazy when a ball comes near me." Uh..yup..moving even further on. Finally this poor kid notes that the reason he loves catching balls is that he loves to "feel special." Well kid, you sure are special.


Kristin said...

Does the kid even like baseball??? It seems all he cares about is the ball. This guy is ridiculous and it is obvious the person interviewing him thinks so as well.

JP Capuano said...

I was just thinking that the interviwer was probably thinking "really? this is the story they gave me? What a schmuck."

Its obvious this kids needs a girlfriend...or really just a friend.