I am calling bull shit on this one. Fist of all, there is no way this douche Spencer is giving Heidi the goods. Just look at him. He probably tapes a picture of himself to Heidi's face while goes to town on her. In addition, due to the camera-whoring that these two attention sluts crave, it's not possible to have 20-30 big O faces through out the day. Unless Heidi is walking around with a remote vibrator or a butt plug, I highly doubt they are A) doing the deed enough for 20-30 orgasms and B) having enough time to get each done right.
It is time to put an end to these two talentless hacks. Its people like this who really piss me off. Congrats Heidi! Nothing like proclaiming you are a total whore. Your parents must be so proud.
Keep it to herself. Who cares what these talentless people do in bed. Announcing to the word is whore-ish. I hate these two people. Hasn't their 15 min run up yet?
I don't think you can say that anymore. 30 orgasm in a day...talent. Even if she is having to fake them...talent.
I just faked 30 orgasms at my desk. Not so special.
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