THE SUN (UK) - A WOMAN is soon to deliver a record-breaking 12 BABIES, it was claimed today.
The teacher is expecting six boys and six girls, according to reports.
She conceived the tots following fertility treatment, after suffering a number of miscarriages.
British fertility experts confirmed the extraordinary pregnancy in Gafsa, Tunisia, was possible - but carried "colossal" risks.
The mum - who has not yet been named - reportedly told doctors she was "feeling fine and looking forward to hugging her six boys and six girls".
She is said to be in 'good health' but subject to constant medical monitoring.
The father, named in local reports only as Marwan, said: "In the beginning, we thought that my wife would give birth to twins, but more foetuses were discovered. Our joy increased with the growing number."
He claimed she wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts claimed this would be impossible.
The Tunisian health and social ministries have said they will offer various forms of assistance to the family.
Dr Mark Hamilton, of the British Fertility Society, said: "Twelve babies seems extraordinary.
"The woman could have been receiving ovulation induction treatment, which stimulates egg production. You don't have the same control as with IVF."
Twelve God Damn Kids! Are people crazy? Or are the Doctors toying with science. This cannot be healthy at all. Oh yeah, and this father is a freakin liar. "Our joy increased with the growing number"? LIIIIAAAAARRR!!!! The only thing that increased was your projected cost. No way a man in Tunisia is happy about having 12 kids. Not possible. He must be in a state of shock. That is the only explanation. Another classic from this article: Dr Mark Hamilton, of the British Fertility Society, said: "Twelve babies seems extraordinary." No shit Dr. Hamilton. Seriously, you have to be a doctor to figure that out? What will he say next: "These twelve babies will not be delivered by storks" ?
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