TMZ - The newest celebrity XXX tape has already hit the Internet -- a threesome -- this one featuring "Grey's Anatomy" star Eric Dane, his wife Rebecca Gayheart and a former beauty queennamed Kari Ann Peniche.
Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart did not have sex with Kari Ann Peniche -- but according to Peniche, they had plenty of fun. Kari Ann -- a dethroned Miss United States Teen -- tells TMZ the video featuring the whacked-out naked trio was shot more than two years ago in her apartment. Kari Ann insists there was absolutely no sex involved -- they played dress up and the two women then soaked together in a bathtub as Eric called "action" behind the camera. In the video, Gayheart says her "alter-ego" name is "Nina," Kari's is "Fifi" and Dane goes by "Peter," "Cocaine Manner," "Tristan Daily," and "Tuff Hedeman," a famous bull rider.
So, let me get this straight. Two smokin hot chicks, one dude, booze, weed, nakedness, two women in a bathtub, and alter egos, but absolutely no sex? What the F ever! There is no way I believe that these three didn't bang. Absolutely no way. Is "plenty of fun" supposed to mean they played with barbie and dress up? I didn't see any clothes on them so what dress up could there be? I for one am insulted that these three think that just because there was no sex on camera the general public can't infer what really happened. Let's put it this way, either Eric Dane plowed both those chicks or this was the biggest cock tease to a man ever. And if THAT was the case, I just don't see how this guy could stay married to the ultimate tease. If a tree falls in the woods but no one is there to hear it does it make a noise? Your god damn right it does.
You're mad when people say they have sex. You're mad when they say they dont.
No, I am mad when they lie about it hahaha.
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