Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Anna Has More Fight In Vegas Than On The Court

ANNA Kournikova got into a fight Saturday night in Las Vegas after an unidentified woman threw a drink at the tennis ace. Kournikova and her pals were partying at Lavo after attending the Hardbat Classic table tennis tournament when a woman at the next table "threw a drink at Anna. She felt Anna was invading her space," our source said. Kournikova "sprung into action" and starting screaming at the woman and shoving her. "It was a big fight," the spy said. The woman was kicked out only after leaving Kournikova with some vicious scratch marks on her neck.

I want to find out who this chick is that started a fight with Anna Kournikova and shake her hand. Yeah sure, I know the bitch is a psycho for freaking out that someone was "invading her space" while at a Vegas nightclub (hey crazy chick..your in Vegas, its gonna be fucking crowded!), but since she has the moxie to start a fight with Anna K, she is O.K. in my book. Not only has my fantasy of a hot mediocre tennis star getting into a cat fight in Vegas (is there any other place to get into a cat fight?) come to life, but the fact that Anna walked around with scratch marks on her neck as if she just finished having a wild bang session then just walked to a club to find some other balls to smack around is the icing on the cake. I have just one question: Where the FUCK are the pictures?!?!?! If any of the 5 loyal readers of this blog can send pictures of this fight or can locate them, well you won't get anything except recognition. But recognition feels ooh soo good.

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