Thursday, August 20, 2009



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Retire Already!

ESPN - A source close to Brett Favre said the quarterback, pending a physical, will sign a contract with the Minnesota Vikings for between $10 million to $12 million, according to ESPN senior NFL analyst Chris Mortensen.

When will this end?! I am so sick of it. He's retired, he isn't retired, oh wait he is retired he isn't retired?! God Brett, get a fucking life. No one cares anymore. And if last year was any indication, you should stay retired. What kind of game are you trying to play? I am even sick writing about this.

As far as I am concerned, the NY Giants ended your career two years ago in Lambeau. You should have done so as well.


TMZ - The newest celebrity XXX tape has already hit the Internet -- a threesome -- this one featuring "Grey's Anatomy" star Eric Dane, his wife Rebecca Gayheart and a former beauty queennamed Kari Ann Peniche.
Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart did not have sex with Kari Ann Peniche -- but according to Peniche, they had plenty of fun. Kari Ann -- a dethroned Miss United States Teen -- tells TMZ the video featuring the whacked-out naked trio was shot more than two years ago in her apartment. Kari Ann insists there was absolutely no sex involved -- they played dress up and the two women then soaked together in a bathtub as Eric called "action" behind the camera. In the video, Gayheart says her "alter-ego" name is "Nina," Kari's is "Fifi" and Dane goes by "Peter," "Cocaine Manner," "Tristan Daily," and "Tuff Hedeman," a famous bull rider.

So, let me get this straight. Two smokin hot chicks, one dude, booze, weed, nakedness, two women in a bathtub, and alter egos, but absolutely no sex? What the F ever! There is no way I believe that these three didn't bang. Absolutely no way. Is "plenty of fun" supposed to mean they played with barbie and dress up? I didn't see any clothes on them so what dress up could there be? I for one am insulted that these three think that just because there was no sex on camera the general public can't infer what really happened. Let's put it this way, either Eric Dane plowed both those chicks or this was the biggest cock tease to a man ever. And if THAT was the case, I just don't see how this guy could stay married to the ultimate tease. If a tree falls in the woods but no one is there to hear it does it make a noise? Your god damn right it does.

Oh You Dirty Girl

NY DAILY NEWS - Peephole-camera victim Erin Andrews is posing for dirty pictures - this time with her consent.

ESPN college football reporter slopped on gobs of mud and a pair of shoulder pads for a GQ magazine photo spread (click here for more at

Surrounded by beefy gridiron grunts in equally muddy attire, Andrews, 31, posed like one of the boys in a sweaty locker room wearing smeared grease paint under her eyes.

Cleaned up for another shot, Andrews, voted "
America's Sexiest Sportscaster" by Playboy Magazine, stands atop a Gatorade cooler in a thigh-high skirt with a mic in her hands.
In an interview with GQ, the
Atlanta-based sidelines babe says she's moving to New York. "I have no ties to Atlanta, so ideally, I'll get there ASAP and start playing," she said.

Erin, oh Erin - I know you must have been traumatized by PeepGate. What lovely smokin hot blond wouldn't (maybe Heidi Pratt)? Let me be the first to say that we here at I Really Didn't Say are now really saying "we are here for you." And that means anywhere you want us to be. Need a shoulder to lean on? I got two of 'em. We are more than happy to show you around NY. We will welcome you with open arms. We will protect you from other perverts. We will guard the sanctity of the female news reporter. So come to NY Erin, we don't need to use "floories", just our charm.

Thank The Lord You Are Not In This Family

New segment here at I Really Didn't Say: Thanking the Lord That You Aren't Apart of These Families.

Today's Couple/Family - Little Pony - Big Mistake

Could this couple not find another horse? Did they really have to use a mini horse that they may or may not have stolen from Rob&Big? And if no equal size horse could be found, why not just stand the F up?

All valid question. I just thank god I am associated with this couple.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Championship Season Starts Tonight

Tonight on ESPN @8pm EST
The NY Football Giants begin the road to another Super Bowl with their first pre-season game against the Carolina Black Cats.
I know I know, its pre-season. But this is where championships are born. The pre-season is where you plant a seed and watch championship hopes grow and grow. (Plus the Yankees don't play until 10pm est as they are at Oakland).

Ding! Ding! Ding! It's On!

PAGE SIX - SHE made it past third base with Alex Rodriguez, but Kate Hudson isn't getting a warm reception at the plate from Minka Kelly, longtime squeeze of Yankee captain Derek Jeter.
At home games in The Bronx, things between the two photogenic actresses are frostier than the new stadium's $9 beer, according to spies.
"There's been visible coldness between Minka and Kate," an insider told The Post's Lachlan Cartwright. "I don't know if it's a personal thing, or just an extension of the ongoing A-Rod-Jeter rivalry."
Our source added, "People are choosing sides."
Friday Night Lights" hottie Kelly has been dating Jeter since last year. Since then, she's usually cheered him on from his private seats, kept a low profile and has rarely been photographed with him.
Then, high-profile Hudson arrived on the scene. She's been snapped smooching A-Rod in the stands, and recently switched from sitting in a private box to hanging in the family seats, cheering on the team with Yankee wives including Amber Sabathia and Karen Burnett.
Hudson, who also enthusiastically attended the Bombers' family picnic, seems to have gotten an early thumbs-up from veteran Yankee wives Michelle Damon and Laura Posada, whose stamp of approval is crucial, a source said.
Reps for Hudson and Kelly didn't respond to requests for comment.
Kevin Spence, who ranks player wives and girlfriends on, noted: "It would be the best reality show ever if they would allow a camera to follow them around. I think tensions and jealousy will grow in time."

Kevin Spence has the idea of the century. Who wouldn't watch that show if cameras followed around the Yankee wives and girlfriends. Anywho, I really don't care if they like each other or not, as long as they keep their men happy so they can go out and crush the opposition like they currently are.

The real question is...who is the hotter girlfriend? I will leave it up to a vote.

Don't Ever Scare Black People

Damn right you shouldn't ever scare black people. I didn't need to see this video to know that. But maybe you did. Don't say I didn't warn you.

And if you didn't learn your lesson.....

Will This Lady Be Suspended By Roger Goodell Too?

The NFL has suspended this lady for cruelty to that a kid? How do parents get away with this? Not only does she screw this kid up mentally for having him on a leash to begin with, but then dragging him through a store right out the door? Um....can someone call the cops? She should be put in jail for at least the weekend right? Maybe someone should suggest her fat ass bend over and pick him up. This is absurd.

This Guy Gets Excited Over Balls Flying At Him

Um...What?! Is this dude serious? What a complete tool. Let's start off the bat and say that this guy should be banned from attending games. First off, dude, what are you 14? Throw the glove away. You shouldn't be allowed to bring a glove to the game if you are over 14. Man up and catch it with your bare hands. Don't be such a pussy. Take some lessons from this guy. Also, this kid gets so pissed when another guy blocks him out of catching a batting practice ball. Really guy? You want one that bad? Moving on. Coincidental humor or total gayness #1: "I am writing a book about getting balls." I don't think I have to elaborate on that. Next. He can ask for balls in 27 different languages. So, 27 different ethnicity's can laugh at him. Also, does anyone know of one damn ballplayer who speak Russian? Coincidental humor or total gayness #2: "I go crazy when a ball comes near me." Uh..yup..moving even further on. Finally this poor kid notes that the reason he loves catching balls is that he loves to "feel special." Well kid, you sure are special.

Forget Octomom - Tunisia Mom Buys 12-Pack

THE SUN (UK) - A WOMAN is soon to deliver a record-breaking 12 BABIES, it was claimed today.

The teacher is expecting six boys and six girls, according to reports.
She conceived the tots following fertility treatment, after suffering a number of miscarriages.
British fertility experts confirmed the extraordinary pregnancy in Gafsa, Tunisia, was possible - but carried "colossal" risks.

The mum - who has not yet been named - reportedly told doctors she was "feeling fine and looking forward to hugging her six boys and six girls".

She is said to be in 'good health' but subject to constant medical monitoring.

The father, named in local reports only as Marwan, said: "In the beginning, we thought that my wife would give birth to twins, but more foetuses were discovered. Our joy increased with the growing number."

He claimed she wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts claimed this would be impossible.

The Tunisian health and social ministries have said they will offer various forms of assistance to the family.

Dr Mark Hamilton, of the British Fertility Society, said: "Twelve babies seems extraordinary.
"The woman could have been receiving ovulation induction treatment, which stimulates egg production. You don't have the same control as with IVF."

Twelve God Damn Kids! Are people crazy? Or are the Doctors toying with science. This cannot be healthy at all. Oh yeah, and this father is a freakin liar. "Our joy increased with the growing number"? LIIIIAAAAARRR!!!! The only thing that increased was your projected cost. No way a man in Tunisia is happy about having 12 kids. Not possible. He must be in a state of shock. That is the only explanation. Another classic from this article: Dr Mark Hamilton, of the British Fertility Society, said: "Twelve babies seems extraordinary." No shit Dr. Hamilton. Seriously, you have to be a doctor to figure that out? What will he say next: "These twelve babies will not be delivered by storks" ?

Robbed Of A Classic

The Cyborg beat Carano in the latest MMA fight.

But the Win-Loss scorecard doesn't tell the entire story. Referees are becoming more and more involved in determining sports outcomes these days. And frankly, I am tired of it. This fight would have been great. The first round was a bit of a back and forth. The power of the Cyborg and the technique of Carno was to be a great match-up. However it didn't get that far. You could see Carano was reversing ankle and ram holds. The Cyborg was taking right jabs to the face. As Carano laid on her back (again) towards the end of the round, Cyborg started the hammer fists. Problem was, only a handful connected. The fight was then stopped - at the bell! Are you trying to tell me the ref doesn't know how much time is left in each round. I would hope there is some kind of mental clock ticking in his head. There should be anyway, unless this is the first fight he has refereed. Its a shame that a fight that could have launched MMA into a new stratosphere with two top women fighters was cut short by a ref who must have though these two women couldn't handle the beating of a normal MMA fighter. Are there different rules or something? All in all this was a step back for women's MMA fighting. There should have been at least a Round 2.

P.S. - Does the announcing of this fight by Gus Johnson, which started out a bit slow and had some posturing to it, solidify him as the "sports announcer you want doing any big time event"? Gus just exudes excitement. If I had the money I would hire Gus Johnson to announce at any event I was in attendance for.

Heidi The Hussy

PAGE SIX - Publicity-mad reality-TV star Heidi Pratt (above) claims she has 20 to 30 orgasms per day with her new husband, the equally self-promotional Spencer Pratt. The lovebirds interviewed each other in the new Playboy, featuring semi-nude shots of Heidi, and brag about joining the Mile-High Club. "I was never very sexual before I met Spencer," Heidi, star of "The Hills," claims. "Sex was just something that happened. Now it's something I look forward to every minute of the day . . . it makes me want to try every new thing, doing it all kinds of ways -- indoors, outdoors, upside down."

I am calling bull shit on this one. Fist of all, there is no way this douche Spencer is giving Heidi the goods. Just look at him. He probably tapes a picture of himself to Heidi's face while goes to town on her. In addition, due to the camera-whoring that these two attention sluts crave, it's not possible to have 20-30 big O faces through out the day. Unless Heidi is walking around with a remote vibrator or a butt plug, I highly doubt they are A) doing the deed enough for 20-30 orgasms and B) having enough time to get each done right.

It is time to put an end to these two talentless hacks. Its people like this who really piss me off. Congrats Heidi! Nothing like proclaiming you are a total whore. Your parents must be so proud.

Eyyyy, Its Monday!

Three words: What. The. Fuck! Pony Boy is turing in his grave.

Pussy Cat

Asian businessman benefits from Tiger choke after taking Woods out for karaoke 'till dawn.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Beer: It Keeps You Thin!

BEER - Watch more Funny Videos

Its the weekend bitches! Leave your offices and grab a pint. And remember, the more you drink, the less weight you gain.

Fire In The Hole

Drunk Fire Breather Gets Burned - Watch more Funny Videos

It amazes me how stupid people can be. Yes, I know, people do dumb things when they are drunk. Lord knows I have. However, I have never played with fire because, well, quite honestly, you get burned. What a douche.

p.s. - some friends this guy has. One guy half heatedly comes to his aid, and really is just slappin' his face for shits and giggles.

Beast Battle

Whats worse than starting a dance off with a guy in a dog costume? Getting owned by that same dog.

Awww Nuts

Classic. Whats better than watching people get hit in the nuts? This is just a great prank. Enjoy.

This One Is For The Birds

ESPN - Quarterback Quarterback Michael Vick has signed a two-year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles, his agent, Joel Segal, confirmed to

Vick arrived in Philadelphia Tuesday morning and remained there Wednesday evening. The Eagles will hold a news conference on Friday morning to announce his signing. The first year of the deal is for $1.6 million with an option for the second year at $5.2 million, sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen. Vick can also earn an additional $3 million in incentives over the two years of the contract, sources told's Len Pasquarelli.

Let me say that I am all for second chances. But I am damn glad the Giants weren't interested in this guy. No shock that the Eagles signed him. I can go wither way on this one. First, being a back-up to McNabb is one of the better things for Vick to be right now. McNabb, while not as fast or as much of a running QB as Vick, did have some wheels in his early years. What McNabb has done is transform himself into more of a packet passer (as overrated at that as I still think he is). Vick wont have his speed forever, do its probably good he learns how to be a real QB from a guy who did run a lot as well. I expect to see Vick and McNabb in the backfield a lot this year running numerous variations of the WildDog - er - WildCat formation. Vick also is in an organization that doesn't shy away from troubled players in the past. While the Eagles head coach is also overrated in big spots, i.e. clock management at the end of games as well as play calling, he is a "player's coach." There is no doubt that he will be behind Vick and protecting him from the media as much as possible. Which brings me to why Philly is not such a good spot for him. Two words: NFC Beast. This division is stacked with talent. I argue its the best division in the league. But that's not the reason its a bad move. The reason is that each team in this division comes with a huge media market. NY, DC, Dallas - All three media outlets are crazy. Do you really think Vick will skate by without being asked the hard questions such as: How was your prison term? How was the pen football team? Did you drop the soap? In addition, the NFC Beast teams have rabid fan bases, including Philly's own. Do you think the cream-cheese heads will be lenient on Vick once he start screwing up due to the rust factor. Em, no, I don't think so. I believe Vick would have been better served in a smaller market, and maybe on a worse team. Only time will tell. Here is to second chances.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yahoo - Les Paul, who invented the solid-body electric guitar later wielded by a legion of rock 'n' roll greats, died Thursday of complications from pneumonia. He was 94.

According to Gibson Guitar, Paul died at White Plains Hospital. His family and friends were by his side.

As an inventor, Paul also helped bring about the rise of rock 'n' roll with multitrack recording, which enables artists to record different instruments at different times, sing harmony with themselves, and then carefully balance the tracks in the finished recording.

The use of electric guitar gained popularity in the mid-to-late 1940s, and then exploded with the advent of rock in the mid-'50s.

"Suddenly, it was recognized that power was a very important part of music," Paul once said. "To have the dynamics, to have the way of expressing yourself beyond the normal limits of an unamplified instrument, was incredible. Today a guy wouldn't think of singing a song on a stage without a microphone and a sound system."

You can read the entire article here.

Simply put, Les Paul was a legend. He re-invented rock n' roll. Period. There is nothing more to say. Want proof? What more proof do you need than that bad ass Slash uses a Les Paul.

R.I.P to a true American Icon.

99 Bottles Of Beer On The Ivy....

So Shane Victorino goes back to the wall tracking a fly ball, has it all lined up, then gets his post game beer a bit early. Just classless Cubs fans. I thought you were better than that.

PS - Impressive that Shane still makes the catch.

You Had Me At "Tap Out"

Yahoo - Gina Carano has done hundreds of interviews and personal appearances since the day in the spring she announced she’d reached contract terms to fight Christiane “Cyborg” Santos on Saturday at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Calif. And in virtually every one of those interviews, Carano can barely finish a sentence without beaming and chuckling a bit. Santos is, by far, the most dangerous woman she’s ever faced, yet Carano exudes cool. The pressure on her in Saturday’s nationally televised bout is immense. There is no athlete in any sport, male or female, who is more important to the success of that sport than Carano is to women’s mixed martial arts.

The NFL made it without Tom Brady last year. Barry Bonds hasn’t played a baseball game since 2007, but ticket sales and fan interest continue to soar. Tiger Woods didn’t play golf for nine months, but courses still were filled and tournaments still were broadcast.

If Carano quit fighting tomorrow, though, she’d take women’s MMA down with her. She’s in the main event Saturday and has received superstar treatment, but there wouldn’t be a women’s fight on television, let alone headlining the card, if Carano weren’t involved.

Through it all, though, she manages to remain one of sport’s most humble and self-effacing figures.

Nothing seems to faze her. She seems as if she’s going to play tennis in the park with her sister, yet she’s fighting for the first Strikeforce women’s featherweight championship in the main event of a much-hyped nationally televised bout.
She was an instant hit in her first MMA bout and hasn’t slowed down. Yet, she doesn’t try to figure it out and just seems to enjoy the attention and the chance to increase the visibility of a sport she loves.

"I don’t have to be there for the sport to be successful,” Carano said. “I’m doing the best with this opportunity to represent the sport. I’m doing everything I can do. But the sport is awesome. It’ll make it by itself. They don’t need me for it to be successful. I’m being given the chance right now for a period of time and there will be another person with the chance next.”

Eventually, some woman would have come along who would have done for women’s MMA what Carano is doing now. Carano, though, has essentially created the industry.

OK here is the deal: I have a rule about dating any girl who could post me up, let alone choke me out. There are a few exceptions though (nothing wrong with a little wrestling), and one of them is Gina Carano. I mean Jesus H Christ, is this MMA fighter gorgeous or what? Plus she is Italian. Need a sparing partner Gina? Call me up.

Daddy, Why Does Grandpa Feel Stiff?

Cardboard cutouts of the grandparents are just genius. You don't have to deal with the weird old person smell in their houses. You don't have to worry about them breaking a hip. Its a win-win situation.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Go Big or Go Home

And that's what I am doing. Going home for the day. Sorry for the early cut-off.

They Come To Snuff The Rooster

And I thought my Prom date was bad.

Reg-gie! Re-gie!

(picture is obviously taken from TMZ)

TMZ - The entire Southern California coastline was roped into the story last weekend, after Alex von Furstenberg -- the son of designer Diane von Furstenberg -- hired a small plane to fly over the beaches with a sign that read, "Reggie Miller Stop Pursuing Married Women."It's all over Alex's fiancee, Ali Kay. According to Reggie's rep, Miller and Ali met at a Malibu supermarket back in March. Reggie says the two flirted and spent the rest of the day texting like crazy -- each sending more than 50 texts to the other in a 6 hour span (we obtained Reggie's phone records and verified the number of text messages that were sent back and forth).Reggie claims Ali -- a clothing designer -- even texted him 2 provocative photos of herself (above), which TMZ has obtained.

Dear Alex von Furstenburg,

Who are you again? Never mind that. Did you really think that your 25 year old fiance, who, by the way, you cheated on your last girlfriend with, would really be faithful? You are 36 Alex. This is the chance your taking when marrying a gold digger. You shouldn't be shocked at all. I hope you enjoy loosing half your worth when she divorces you in 2 years. Wait, maybe your just embarrassed that its Reggie Miller and his crooked teeth that has your young wife to be all horned up. Either way, renting a plane to fly a sign about Reggie was, to say the least, pretty sad. Just go kick his ass like a real man.


I really Didn't Say Staff


Cry me a river Youk. So you get hit after Boston pitchers throw at Tigers players twice the night before and then plunk Detroit's best player. Big friggin deal. Your head wasn't thrown at. You were properly hit in the midsection. You charge the mound? Ok, I am past that now. Next: Not only does Youk charge the mound but he throws his helmet like a little girl. Are you not 100lbs heavier than Porcello? You really need to toss your helmet like a bush leaguer? Maybe Youk should have tossed his cleats and batting gloves too since Porcello owned him and took him the the ground. Get over yourself Youk.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Works Over - Ladies Go Get that Gangsta D

I was harsh on BarstoolSports before, but in actuality, I look up to El Prez. Guy is just a genius. Look at the following he created. He is someone all of us degenerates should strive to be. I have to give the man credit, when he knows something is gonna blow up, it usually does. Here is the latest prediction by the Stool. So thanks El Prez.....for everything.

Works over. Get the F out.

Dumb Asses

Where do I begin? First, these two special needs douches need to get a life. Really? You believe him? Um.....why? He didn't say anything relevant. Second, we know what Papi's last name is, no need to have Dad carry a sign with "Ortiz" on it. Lastly, looks like they were just "careless" with coloring between the lines. I have two words for these guys: Dumb Asses.

Summer Lovin' - Um, Well Not So Much

Huge Chick Fight Breaks Out At Beach - Watch more Funny Videos

Total lack of cat fights this year. Maybe it has to do with all that damn rain. But, perhaps everyone is just getting along. However, we here at I Really Didn't Say feel there should be at least one cat fight video every summer. Now I have no idea when this video was filmed, but we can all agree that this cat fight is a doozy. Have a few question though:

1) when did skinny white chicks decide they were tough enough to be so ghetto?

2) The girl who starts the fight in the bikini, let's just say she gets her ass kicked, and deservedly so, for blindsiding a girl from behind. If you are going to fight, at least be (wo)man enough to face up first and look the other combatant in the eye before you swing, scratch, and pull hair.

3) Bonus points who can figure out how many times the word "bitch" was used.

4) the fight was over when the big girl in the black top and jeans shorts entered the ring. She just cleaned house.

5) Kudos to the granny in the background asking if "this is what they teach you in school?" Silly granny - these girls were probably skipping summer school. Valiant effort though. I do find it hard to believe that there was no one else there to stop the fight except for a little old lady.

Anyway, while amusing to watch, this is just ridiculous. Whatever happened to the Summer of Love, drinking at the beach, and drugs? Can't we all just get along?

Monday, August 10, 2009

No Talk, Just Watch

Went to the Yankees - Sox game last night. Too Hung over and tired to post today. So watch this Japanese guy do some crazy billiards trick shots. It's a unberievaber!

Until tomorrow kids.

Falling Off Their Barstool

After coming into the Bronx with an 8-0 record on Thursday, the Boston Red Sox were swept out of town last night by a barrage of homers in the 7th and 8th innings.

The Yankees have upped their AL East lead to a gaudy 6 1/2 games. This weekend's games was pure dominance from every facet of the game. Offensive might, pitching prowess - the Sox were held scoreless for 30 some-odd innings at one point until a V-Mart homer in the top of the eighth inning of last nights contest. However, the Yankees came through with clutch hits again. Damon first pitch - home run tying the score. Then Tex crushing the 2nd pitch he saw from the hyped rookie reliever, Daniel Bard, high and deep into the Bronx night.

Standing ovations all around as the Big Ballpark in the Bronx went nuts.

Our friends over at Barstool Sports have a tongue and cheek post asking if the Yankees just won the World Series. They seem to feel curtain calls are only to be saved for the post season. Well I guess the post season and for when juicers hit their first home run after being outed as a cheat.

Prior to being swept back into their duck boats, Barstool thought enough of the last two games of this series that they urged the Red Flops - er - Sox on with an inspirational video and post. The main problem is that this is baseball not rugby. This is the United States of America. This isn't some European Rugby match. We don't need a speech about some runner willing herself to the finish line. We don't need a psyched upped speech to get things done. I am sure that Barstool had the best intentions.

I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort.

This is how we do things in New York.

Friday, August 7, 2009

It's Friday Fools!

If this kid doesn't inspire you to get your fun on this weekend, then maybe next weeks vid will.

Leave your offices!

You Know You Are A Redneck......

When your tractor comes with a seat belt......

Freak Out of the Week Contest: Friday Entry

Stretching to the far ends of the world, I Really Didn't Say has found more multi-cultural Freak-Outs for our diverse following. Today's freak-out features Godzilla, er, a nice lady from the Orient. But seriously, throwing a temper tantrum like this is redicerous (sorry too easy). She needs to do what normal people do when they miss flights...go get hammered at the airport bar.


Yahoo - Normally, the unpredictable football decisions of Al Davis adversely affect only the team he owns, the bumbling Oakland Raiders.
The NFL’s other 31 teams often benefit from his strange personnel moves, which allow talented draft picks and free agents to slide to them.

In April, the cross-bay San Francisco 49ers rejoiced when the Raiders selected wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey seventh overall. It allowed the Niners to select Michael Crabtree, a pass-catching machine out of Texas Tech, at No. 10. Predraft hype rated Crabtree higher than Heyward-Bey.

Now the Niners’ dream pick has turned nightmare. In a convoluted strategy, Crabtree is threatening to sit out the 2009 season by negotiating off mock drafts which didn’t occur rather than the real one that did.

Crabtree has decided that he shouldn’t have to be paid less because – based on all the made-up, predicted drafts – Al Davis made a mistake. He wants to be paid more than Heyward-Bey, demanding his contract reflect that it was actually he who was the higher selected receiver.
It’s a ground-breaking, if intellectually bankrupt, concept.

Crabtree’s camp said Thursday that he is even willing to sit out the year and re-enter the draft next spring unless he gets more than the $23.5 million the Raiders guaranteed Heyward-Bey. The news was first reported by Anything less than that stratospheric number is “unacceptable.”

“We are prepared to do it,” David Wells, a cousin of Crabtree, told ESPN. “Michael just wants fair market value. Michael is one of the best players in the draft, and he just wants to be paid like one of the best players.”

The ridiculousness of a guy who’s never caught a professional pass deeming $20-something million “unacceptable” is a testament to the troublesome way the NFL pays its rookies. A sense of youthful entitlement combines with a flawed structure so that the unproven rookie often makes more than the veteran All-Pro.

While NFL players tend to earn their money – a disturbing percentage leave the game as near-cripples dealing with neurological problems – Crabtree would be best served getting to camp and focusing on the tens of millions he will earn rather than the few more he may not.

More intriguing, however, is what Crabtree is trying to pull. Contract negotiations and holdout threats aren’t new. This is. It isn’t just an unorthodox attempt to bypass the traditional (if unofficial) slotting of rookie salaries. It’s putting real value on the unreal speculation that surrounds the buildup to the draft.

Crabtree is trying to get paid off perception, not reality.

Who the hell does this guy think he is? Michael, you do realize this country is in economic hardships, right? You do realize that you have not played one friggin' down in the NFL, right? You do realize that you also came from a pass happy wide open system that racked up your stats, right? You do realize that there is no way in hell any NFL owner is going to be bullied by some rook who hasn't done shit yet, right?
Oh, and Mr. Crabtree, um, have you not realized who your coach is yet?
Plain and simple is your were drafted in the spot you were drafted. Mel Kiper Jr and his helmet hair doesn't know shit. Its called a "Mock Draft" for a reason, Michael. Justifying being paid as a top 5 pick when you were a #10 pick because bloggers and mock drafts had you higher. No matter how many these "draft experts" these people talk to or how much insight they have, they are really just guesstimating.
Just sign for your "measly" 10 million and prove you are worth more through your play on the field.

(Gonna be tough to throw it to you when your ass is sitting home, you greedy bastard)

Gotta Catch 'Em All

No why couldn't all Pokemon look like this. If they did I would have definitely tried to catch 'em all.

So Many Drinks I Can't Remember....

My apologies to the loyal reader of I Really Didn't Say (you know who you are). Apparently after a night of boozing on a boat like this.......
My brain has completely forgot I write a blog. It didn't help that I woke up on the floor looking something like this.....

Except with more beer bottles and less fur.

My memory is coming the posts should trickle in like Chinese water torture.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Freak Out of the Week Contest: Thursday Entry

That's right, we are going global with this contest bitches! Thursday's submission comes from Germany. Seems like this kid needs to relax. I would try to calm him down but I have no damn clue as to what he is saying. Maybe he got locked out of his porn sites. Who knows and really, who cares? Freak-Outs have no language barrier. So sit back, enjoy your wienerschnitzel, and ze German freak out.

P Whipped

If Blake had any balls he would have hung up after this crazy chick started yelling into the phone. How many times does one need to hear "I love you" to be satisfied? And say it louder? Blake, little advice, run - run far away. She seems like the type of chick who would have no problem running you down in the middle of the street after you break up with her. Be afraid Blake - unless you particularly like having no balls.

Bite This!

Its Shark Week people, and I have been seriously lacking in promoting one of the greatest weeks on TV (not that something as awesome as shark week needs promotion from me). Is there anything better then the sheer awesomeness and power of a shark attack. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for that poor baby seal, but that seal has to recognize. He can't just go swimming on his merry way without support from his boys. Poor guy, he had no chance. One gulp is all that Great White needed. Bigger boat? Bet your ass you need one. So if you haven't already (your not a man if you haven't), check out the remainder of Shark Week. Then go swim your ass off at the beach.

Ain't No Horsing Around

If anyone still needed proof that horses are one tough animal not to be messed with, then this is all you need to see. This damn horse crushes a car like it was made of tin foil. Best part is that the horse keeps running along like nothing happened. I am sure it was thinking, "I could have jumped your car, but I decided to crush you to teach you a lesson." The only problem I have with this video is the F'ed up tourists getting kicks out of chasing after a pack of horses down what seems like a highway. Listen people, if you learn nothing else from I Really Didn't Say then just learn this: Don't fuck with nature.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Freak Out of the Week Contest: Wed Entry

Its Wed Freak Out video. Is there anything better than random people yelling for no reason? The only thing creepier than protesters wearing masks though is Scientology itself.

Keep sending those vids in.

PS: I guess screaming pussy over and over is not a deterrent to protesters.


Asians are fucking crazy. That's right, I said it. Whatever happened to using lube and your hand. Now they make and advertise products to jerk off with? Ever heard of Rosy Palm and a porno people? And are these for one time use? How did they ever think of this anyway? Does it even work? God I am so confused. If anyone has tested this, please...keep it to yourself.

Pizza That Won't Choke In The Playoffs

Yahoo - The colossal new Dallas Cowboys Stadium is living proof that everything is bigger in Texas. The menu in the luxury suites proves that things there are more expensive too.

Those enjoying a Cowboys game from a luxury suite at the new stadium will have to shell out $90 for pizza and $66 for a 12-pack of domestic beer, reports Steven Sipple of the Lincoln Journal World. Ninety bucks for pizza? That's almost as much of a rip-off as Roy Williams.

It costs $800,000 per year to lease one of those luxury suites, a hefty sum that doesn't include game tickets. On the bright side, the stadium's official Web site says that "having your company's name on a suite makes an important statement about your success" and can help make an impression on clients. (Namely that they're paying you way too much money.)

As for the $90 pizza, that's the cost for a plain pizza. No word on how much each topping costs but, suffice it to say, if you're a fan of pepperoni you may want to consider refinancing your mortgage before you head down to watch the Cowboys.

Ummm......WHAT?! This is just ridiculous, even for me, who - as a Yankees fan - has had to deal with crazy expensive prices this year and know what its like to shell out dinero for a cold beer and sausage and peppers. But a 90 figgin' dollar plain pizza? (and no it is not served by a smokin hot waitress as seen above) Jerry Jones, your kidding right? I could see if your flying in the pizza man from Guastavino's in Brooklyn, but Texas pizza? Just gross. Not only that but $66 for a 12 pack? First, how the hell did they determine these prices? Seriously, can someone tell me? Does Jerry Jones go by how expensive his next face lift or botox injection will be? Has his skin been pulled so tight that it is not cutting off the circulation to his brain? Look, bottom line is, pizza is not even the "food of Texas." I mean I could see if it was for a Pulled Pork can't even see that. Someone needs to step in and smack Jerry Jones across the face (even though his face would then slowly form back into shape like Stretch Armstrong or something). The only way I see this working is if there is a contest for dumbest fan to buy a 90 dollar pizza where the winner gets to go to Cabo with Tony Romo.

Another reason why I hate the Dallas Cowboys.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Freak Out of the Week Contest: Tuesday Entry

We here at I Really Didn't Say would like to apologize for the delay in posting today's "freak-out" video. However, maaaaaan was it worth the wait. This guy is great on so many levels. Fist and foremost, his sweet ass jean jacket. Look at that thing! Classic "I parked my pick-up in the back with some lawn chairs a 30 pack and some moonshine" look. Ladies, don't act like your not impressed. This Casanova seems nervous at first, maybe cause he knows he is truly crazy and trying to contain his freak-out for as long as possible. The BOOM! He can't contain it any longer. And why did he freak-out? He just wants to be loved.

Soulja Girl - Yooooooouuuuuuu!

This is not an entry for the Freak Out of the Week contest (that will come later). This IS however, a video of some crazy ghetto chick on the subway. Let me just say thank the good lord for subtitles.

How Could LeBron Leave This Magnificent City?

I was having a discussion with a buddy of mine who lives in Cleavland about King James coming to the NY Knicks in the Summer of '10. How could he leave a contender? He is born and raised there. The Knicks suck. How could he turn his back on Cleveland?

Well....this is how. The Cavs are only contenders because he is there. Who cares where he was born. If the Cavs management keeps making ridiculous moves a year too late (i.e. Shaq) then how can he NOT leave? Oh...and there is also the video above.

But hey, they are right, at least they aren't Detroit.

Oh, To Be A Third String QB

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. - Will Matt Leinart's freefall continue?

A year ago, the 2006 first-round pick and Heisman Trophy winner was the No. 1 quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals going into training camp before he was beaten out for the job by veteran Kurt Warner.

With Warner fresh off having led the Cardinals to their first Super Bowl, Leinart (at right) is not even competing for the No. 1 job anymore. But he is still competing. Arizona brought back veteran backup Brian St. Pierreand promised him a chance to compete with Leinart for the No. 2 job.

That's stunning considering that the 29-year-old St. Pierre has thrown all of one pass in six years. St. Pierre was a fifth-round draft pick by Pittsburgh in 2003. While some people believe the promise to St. Pierre by coach Ken Whisenhunt was an empty ploy, two sources indicated that the threat is very real for Leinart and that he needs to improve his game and show better mental toughness.

Both sources also rolled their eyes when asked about Leinart's offseason MMA training, which was advertised as a way to improve Leinart's toughness.

As for Leinart, he took the news in stride. "Everybody has to compete for a job out there," Leinart said. "I'm not worried about it. I'm going to keep doing my thing."

Seems to me a 3rd string QB has a pretty cushy gig. No pressure to win since, well, you aren't even getting into games. No worries about getting injured since, well, you not really playing in any games. Don't have to worry about showering with other men since, well, again, you're not playing in any games. Sit back and collect millions of dollars for being a huge NFL bust since, well, you didn't draft yourself, it's not really your fault you suck. Hangout with hot honey's feeding them beer bongs and chillin in a hot tub since, well, you don't have to study a playbook or watch film, because, well, you know, you're a 3rd string QB.
Is it me or is this the best job in sports - well besides a bullpen catcher. Where else can you get paid millions for not being good enough? Definitely not my job, that's for damn sure.
On second thought, nahhhh, Matt Leinart sucks.

One Hall of a Day

NY TIMES - In a few weeks, the Treasury Department's czar of executive pay will have to answer this $100 million question: Should Andrew J. Hall get his bonus?

Mr. Hall, the 58-year-old head of Phibro, a small commodities trading firm in Westport, Conn., is due for a nine-figure payday, his cut of profits from a characteristically aggressive year of bets in the oil market.

There is little doubt that Mr. Hall is owed the money under his contract. The problem is that his contract is with Citigroup, which was saved with roughly $45 billion in taxpayer aid.

Corporate pay has become a live grenade in the aftermath of the largest series of corporate bailouts in American history. In March, when the American International Group, rescued at vast taxpayer expense, was to give out $165 million in bonuses, Congress moved to constrain the payouts, and protesters showed up at the homes of several executives.

As it happens, one can see some of those homes from Mr. Hall's front lawn in Southport, not far from his office. But his case is more complex. Mr. Hall, raised in Britain and known for titanium nerves and a collection of pricey art, is the standout performer at an operation that has netted Citigroup about $2 billion over the last five years. If Citigroup will not pay him the huge sums he has long made, someone else probably will.

The added wrinkle is that Mr. Hall works in a corner of the trading world that appears headed for its own infamy. Regulators are pushing to curb the role of traders like Mr. Hall, whose speculation in the energy markets may have played a major role in the recent gyrations of oil prices.

That suggests that last summer, drivers paid more at the pump, at least in part, because of people like Andrew J. Hall. How do you hand $100 million to a guy who may have profited because gas hit $4 a gallon?

You know how you hand 100 million to this guy? Cause its in his god damn contract. Here is the deal: Yes this guy Hall as a ridiculous place (see picture above). Yes he works for a company that was bailed out by taxpayers. Yes the financial environment sucks these days. But Hall made Citi TWO BILLION!!! What, he isn't supposed to get a cut of that? The guy is obviously kick ass at what he does. Pay the man. Like I said its in his god damn contract. If you don't like it then yell at the numb nuts who gave him that contract. This dude did nothing wrong but be awesome at what he does.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Less Work More Beer

Days over kids. Enjoy that $2 PBR.

Friendly reminder, its SharkWeek!

I Really Didn't Say Everything I Said's Freak Out of the Week Contest: Monday Entry

With little introduction and fan fare we present the first submission for the Freak-Out of the Week contest. The person who submits the best Freak-Out of the week will win $50 from yours truly. Get the votes and comments going.

Ratings 1-10 with 10 being the biggest freak-out.

Enjoy bitches!

Cheers To That!

NEW YORK -- Plaxico Burress has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury investigating a gun charge against the former New York Giants wide receiver, New York City prosecutors said.

The indictment handed down Monday charges the 31-year-old Burress with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and one count of reckless endangerment.

His former teammate, linebacker
Antonio Pierce, was not indicted.

As AP predicted, the Grand Jury has let him off the hook. That's what the DA gets for trying to mess with AP. He should be lucky that he wasn't decleated.

Now back to Albany to start the 2009/10 Super Bowl run.

The One Man Who Can Beat Brock?

Yahoo - It’s easy to paint Vadim Finkelchtein as the villain in this mess between heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko and the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Emelianenko is the free agent heavyweight with the gaudy 30-1 record and small but passionate fan base. The UFC is the world’s finest mixed martial arts promotional company and has roughly 90 percent of the top 100 fighters in the world under contract.

Emelianenko was looking for a place to fight and the UFC wanted to put on what it believed could have become a massive pay-per-view show with a big push by pitting Emelianenko against Brock Lesnar, its silo-sized heavyweight champion.

But no deal was reached despite a lucrative offer from the UFC. Though UFC president Dana White wouldn’t rule it out, chances of it happening in the future are remote.

Finkelchtein is the Russian heavyweight’s manager and, more significantly, the president and co-owner of what purports to be a major MMA promotional company, M-1 Global. Finkelchtein clearly used Emelianenko as a pawn in an attempt to force the UFC to accept M-1 as a partner. All M-1 Global brought to the table was one fighter, even if he is a very good one, which would have made White a moron had he acquiesced to that demand.

If the UFC was in the business of giving 50 percent of its company away every time it tried to sign an elite fighter, it would have been in worse shape a lot sooner than Chrysler.

The reason the deal didn’t get done is simple: Fedor Emelianenko

Emelianenko’s supporters are going to point the finger at White as the reason a deal did not get done. White, though, agreed to essentially every demand Emelianenko made. He offered to pay him more than he’s ever made. He agreed to allow Emelianenko to fight in combat sambo. He agreed to allow Emelianenko to advertise M-1 on his fight shorts, on the apparel he wore and on banners his cornermen brought with them to the cage.

What White wouldn’t do, though, is give half of his company to Finkelchtein in return for the, ahem, privilege, of promoting Emelianenko’s next few fights.

Unfortunately it looks like we will never get to see the Fedor -Lesner bout of the century. There is much hype over Fedor's skills. Apparently he has bought into his own hype during negotiations. Some say that pound for pound Fedor is the most dominant MMA fighter out right now. While others insist he has been padding his wins and highlight reel by fighting against less superior fighters then there are in UFC. Either way, a Fedor-Lesner fight would give us an answer one way or the other. Not to mention it would most likely be the single most grossing PPV fight in the history of UFC. While it seems there is no compromise in sight, let us all hope that, for our pure entertainment (not to mention the growth of the sport), that White and Fedor can work out a contract together.

Freak Outs - Start Your Tantrums

What a way to start out I Really Didn't Say's new weekly contest "The Freak Out of the Week." Last week as you remember we ran new Internet star Steven's multiple freak-outs all week. Steven did a tremendous job of hyping up our weekly contest. What better way to start freak out week the ultimate attack on an office? Later today we will have the first entry. You can vote in the comments section. The ultimate decision is made by our crack staff here at I Really Didn't Say, but your comments do sway our thoughts. Keep the freak-outs rolling in.