Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Personal ATM

My parents were in the market for a new refrigerator. Ever searching for the best deal out there, my mother schlepped to various appliance stores in hopes of locating the perfect refrigerator but only at the perfect price. She traveled far and wide making stops at the usual suspects; Sears, Best Buy, PC Richards (where is Crazy Eddie when you need him, oh right…he was jailed for fraud).

Virtually every store mentioned that the price of the fridge would be cheaper if you bought it online. Seemed like a simple enough procedure; pay less and have it delivered to the house. My mother asked me for some help.

A few things you should know about my parents and computers. My mother once declared that she didn’t know how to surf the internet because she “never even used a type writer” and my father thinks that computers should last forever because, as he put it, “it’s not like a car or T.V., there are no tubes in it.” Basically whenever my parents sit in front of the monitor, their brains compress and they stare at the screen with a blank look on their faces similar to that of a retarded kid staring at a Ferris wheel for the very first time.

But I digress.

So here I am on the PC Richards website. I select the fridge they want. Place it in the shopping cart and proceed to check out in order to find the sale price. The process was going surprisingly smooth. Right up until I hear the following:

Me: Ok, we are about to check out and the price is right there mom.

Mom: Oh great, that is cheaper than in the store.

Dad: Wait! So you mean all we have to do is swipe our credit card in the computer and we’re done?

*Blank stare from me to my father due to his amazing comment*

Me (Sarcastically): Yeah Dad. And our computer doubles as an ATM machine.

Dad: Wait, really? How?

Mom: Eddie, be serious. Who would fill it with money?

Yup these are my parents.

Post Script: Everyone’s mom or dad has inevitably made ridiculous statements or were features of odd conversations. I encourage you all to visit the site “Top That Mom.”


thunderlips said...

how can you write an entire post about computers and not once mention porn?

Clark W Griswald said...

wish this guy just kept sleeping and never woke up to blogging