Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First and Last Time

Ok. Let's get this over with. Now I can tell you that I absolutely cannot stand talking about politics. There is a reason your local watering holes have rules stating "no politics, no religion." I have found that many people are, how I say this delicately...stubborn, when it comes to both of those subjects. Not all, just many. And its not that they are wrong in their view, but I learned recently (at the expense of a huge argument due to lack of communication and understanding) that it is O.K. not to agree, it’s just not o.k. not to listen.

Anywho...moving on.

The recent election was indeed historical. As were the democratic primaries. While I do not agree on certain ideas of the newly elected president, the fact that this country has come such a long way in such a relatively short period of time is a sight to see. And once again the American people have shown that their voices can be heard loud and clear.

Now that there has been change (even if you voted for it or not), it is up to the American people to continue voicing their opinions. We cannot be a nation of "well I voted it’s now up to them" inhabitants. The United States is currently in a very critical time of its existence: Wall St. vs. Main St. (ugh a topic for another day), blood vs. oil, right vs. left, giants vs. eagles (oops wrong post).

As a US citizen, I fully back out president elect. I hope that he does succeed. And I hope he does do right by the American people. I will still debate the issues I believe in. The United States is supposed to be a world power. A leader for democracy and freedom. A financial power. A country others can look up to. The time is now to stand behind one man, be it the man you chose or not, and march this country forward.

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