Thursday, November 13, 2008

"The End"

Most of you in the finance world have more than likely read this article yesterday which appeared on by Michael Lewis. For those of you who haven’t I strongly advise you check it out. “Good solid read,” added Mmmmmkay (one of my loyal contributors) who informed me of the piece.


thunderlips said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
JP Capuano said...

Except for you Clark. Except for you.

thunderlips said...

whats up with deleting my comment? that is weak.

thunderlips said...

your readership is going to decreas by 20% if you keep deleting my comments.

Clark W Griswald said...

this blog is the worst....bloggin administrators removing posts...i am a pro blogger and never seen that before

JP Capuano said...

Whats your blog Clark?

Clark W Griswald said...

you will never blog on my blog, amateur...clean your act up here and i will reconsider, rookie

JP Capuano said...

To be honest I don't really care.

Mmmkay said...

You guys are useless hacks- save your comments for the public restrooms where you pick up your "dates". Keep it up JCap

thunderlips said...

are you kidding me? i make a comment about another article on there that may be a little more intersting to people then CDO's and BBB trance sub prime loans, and my comment gets deleted? if i didnt know what these things were, i would have stopped reading after the first two lines. i will read what jp has to say all day long because some of the things he says and does are pretty funny, and think i am more then allowed to comment on it. but i back your 5th grade insult though.

Mmmkay said...

No cutsies no backsies, sorry.

JP Capuano said...

Your right thunder my appologies.

Keep it coming. But there is more to life than porn.

Not much more but there is.

Clark W Griswald said...

then why is his comment deleted?????

Mmmkay said...

"then why is his comment deleted?????"

You bring up an interesting point Clark. Not about Thunderlips comment or the fact that it was deleted, but something deeper and more meaningful. If I may? Your question supposes that deletion is a current state of being rather than a past act such as: Then why was his comment deleted?
Bravo to you for such a subtle yet deep philosophical query. I say again, bravo.

JP Capuano said...

All three pose valid questions.

But as you say Clark i am a "rookie" blogger to you pro-blogger status.

Lets call it a work in progress.

Clark W Griswald said...

quit dodging the question....12:58 u deleted a comment...why

JP Capuano said...

If I can dodge a question I can dodge a dodgeball.

I deleted it because its the second reference to porn. This is a family blog. Meaning anyone in the family should be able to read it. If someone wants to blog about porn I am sure there are many other places to do so.

thunderlips said...

i just thought the other article would be a little easier to read/more entertaining then the lewis article. anything good in the hopper for friday?

Clark W Griswald said...

i take a big fat dump on this blog....DUMP