Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Random Shots

Oh Plaxico, thank god I didn’t buy your jersey yet. What a turn of events. From Super Bowl winning catch and labeled a “warrior” for playing in pain all last year – to fumbling a Glock while sipping some vino. I love the fact that you had a nice glass of Chianti with your semi-automatic, but with each passing day, a little bit of me looses the respect I had for Plax. I just don’t understand these pro-players today. Is it so hard to hire a body guard? And, Plax, you were hanging out with Antonio Pierce. The dude is a beast. He should have been all the protection you needed. (Side note: why are they still in NY when they had a game in D.C. the next day?) You stole the award for top turkey from……

….the guy they call “Starbury.” Steph, will you just accept a buyout already? Or play when your coach asks you at least. Is there any doubt that Stephon Marbury’s attitude and brain has substantially diminished his pure basketball talent? I can guarantee you he would have a championship with KG if he wasn’t such a “me first” person and stayed in Minnesota. What topped it all was the fact he got a #3 star tattoo on his temple. Next stop for Steph has to be Mike Tyson territory.

Just asking……

……How much money on gas do you think the Big Three CEO’s are going to spend driving from Michigan to Washington D.C.?

……Where is the effect of the market on retail stores? I went to Best Buy yesterday and absolutely NOTHING was marked down. I think I am going to print a picture of what gifts I am getting everyone for Christmas then purchase them after the 25th to get some damn lower prices.

……I love Obama sticking with his “change” campaign. Nothing like changing the cabinet members to ex-Clinton aides!

…speaking of change – I just looked up the definition in the Urban Dictionary. The very first entry is “Change: A word used SO much in the 2008 presidential campaigns that it no longer holds any meaning.”

.....When will congress step in and confront the BCS? They stepped in with the Mitchell Report. Same with “Spygate.” Its time for a playoff fellas! Everyone can see that except for the NCAA and BCS!

…. How many weeks after Plax is released by the Giants and suspended by the NFL will Jerry Jones wait until he offers him a contract? I say 6.

…..When will the Detroit Lions stop paying players and just give the money they earn from revenue sharing to the auto companies. At least they would help out the market and the front office could be seen as humanitarians for not subjecting their fan base to the torture of watching this team.

1 comment:

Mmmkay said...

Great observations- all of those things needed to be said. I think if Britney's new album is a hit- the economy is making a come back, if it's a flop we are in the down turn for the long haul.